2016-09-222015-12-042016-09-222015-12-04https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/123456730/122In this dissertation we analyze the struggle of domestic workers to obtaining the same rights and guarantees defined for other classes of workers that also perform paid professional activity. We discuss the proclamation of Constitutional Amendment n. 72/2013 and the no equivalence between domestic and non-domestic employees. Thus, the aim is to analyze the process of valuation of domestic workers in Brazil, confronting the establishment and enforcement of legal regulations with opening prerogatives that culminate with the maintenance of inequality among these workers. For this, a historical survey of the regulations is necessary, attempting to achieve awareness and the emergence of new attitudes in the relationship between employer and domestic worker as well as the barriers in the practice of the new rules, hurting one of the principles of the Federal Constitution which is the preservation of human dignity. The research was divided into four parts. The first chapter examines the conceptual identification of domestic workers and the conditions that allow recognition for classification and framing the group as well as the historical evolution of domestic work in Brazil and also it brings the contemplated rights and the ones not established on the Constitutional Amendment n. 72/2013. The second chapter describes the historical development of the working class of domestic workers in Argentina, its law enactment and the new law regulating these workers. The third chapter recaptures the discussion on the professional development of this group with the support of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and its Convention 189 working with the importance and dignity of these employees, as well as biographies and life-history of women activists to the cause.Acesso AbertoTrabalhador domésticoProjeto emenda constitucional – 72/2013OITEntrevistasDomestic workerConstitutional amendment project n. 72/2013ILOInterviewsA mulher trabalhadora doméstica na família contemporânea: avanços e silêncios na legislação atual do serviço doméstico no Brasil e na Argentina, considerando convenção da OIT e percepções de mulheres competentes sobre o campo e com trajetórias nesse serviçoDissertaçãoSociais e HumanidadesMultidisciplinar