2021-01-072021-01-072021-01-072020-12-16https://ri.ucsal.br/handle/prefix/2801The main objective of this article is to analyze the possibility of violating constitutional principles and guarantees under the Slaughter Law. For this, a bibliographic review based on the conceptionist theory of the German jurist Gunther Jakobs, called the Criminal Law of the Enemy, was chosen as a starting point. According to the theory, there is a kind of separation between the agent who is considered a criminal, and in the first, the criminal is considered a citizen and would have the right to an appropriate trial. The second classification, on the other hand, understands that the criminal is an enemy of the State and therefore should be treated differently. Based on this, when relating the Slaughter Law to the theory of the Criminal Law of the Enemy, it is intended to observe whether in fact the aforementioned law constitutes a manifestation based on the theory of Jakobs and if for that fact it can be considered unconstitutional, that would be contrary to fundamental principles and guarantees of the Federal Constitution.Acesso AbertoLei de abateDireito penal do inimigoGarantia constitucionalInconstitucionalidadeSlaughterEnemyPrinciplesGuaranteesUnconstitutionalityDireito penal do inimigo: uma análise crítica da lei do abate em face dos princípios e garantias constitucionaisCriminal law of the enemy: a critical analysis of the slaughtering law in face of constitutional principles and guaranteesTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoCiências Sociais AplicadasDireito