Relação entre memória e conhecimento na filosofia Agostiniana
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
This research explores the theme of the relationship between memory and
knowledge in Augustinian philosophy. When writing about memory, Augustine
demonstrates how this power is manifested in the life of the human being in the most
diverse circumstances. Based on the work Confessions, one of the main Augustinian
writings, this research has as main objective to investigate the articulation and
relationship between memory and human knowledge. For Augustine, memory is not
only linked to a place where the images acquired by the experiences are stored, but it
has an active role in the vitality of man, because only through it can questions of the
past be elaborated, confronting them with the present, in order to arrive at new ideas.
Memory is seen as a spiritual link of human interiority that makes it possible to live
the reality of the immediate world, as well as the place where the unfolding of the
subjective and objective being of each one happens. The relevance of this research
is to express the determinant function of the human being's memory capacity,
because Augustine clarifies that the source of knowledge is memory, so, without
memory, no generation makes history and neither develops nor improves knowledge.
Memória, Sentido, Conhecimento, Reminiscência, Memory, Senses, Knowledge, Reminiscence