O direito à indenização do consumidor que perdeu seu tempo

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Universidade Católica de Salvador


Demonstrate that the loss of consumer’s useful time should be indemnable by the courts of this country. Literary review in books, articles and jurisprudence using the key words sub cited.This article deals with the loss of free / useful time of the consumer in the perspective of consumer relations from the poor supply of product and service offered to the final recipient, the one that deserves to be served in the best possible way, having their rights protected and defended in the Consumer Defense Code. This consumer can suffer irreparable damage not only in the patrimonial scope, but also in the moral sphere, what causes an offense to the fundamental right of human dignity, when the problem object of the consumption relation is not solved. There is the loss of time trying to solve that setback, staying days, months or even years in that impasse, which unfortunately is becoming something commonplace and commonplace in the country, causing a great wear for those who loses their time



Direito fundamental, Dignidade da pessoa humana, Perda do tempo do consumidor, Dano moral, Mero aborrecimento, Fundamental right, Human dignity, Consumer’s time loss, Moral damage, Mere annoyance, SEMOC - Semana de Mobilização Científica

