A educação como forma para cidade ideal no livro A República de Platão

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Universidade Católica do Salvador


In this paper I seek to show education as what will allow the development of virtues in each existing class in the city and in politics. For Platonic thinking, it is education that can give citizens the ability to critically visualize themselves and the world. We study the understanding of education for the Greeks, making a brief historical background and seeking in education how to reach the ideal city and the perfect man. In our work, we aim to show the importance of researching Platonic thinking, with regard to politics and education, for the formation of citizens. Discussed in three chapters, we work on the return to history, the figure of the philosopher king, the forms of education and their practices through gymnastics, mathematics, music, dialectics, astronomy and others. All this to show that it is necessary to study education for better applicability in the search for an ideal city. Aiming at a full organization and life for all citizens who can live in this city.



Educação, Cidadão - formação, Filosofia, Pensamento platônico, A República - platão, Education, Citizen, Formation, Philosophy

