A possibilidade de criação de futuros tribunais ad hoc: um novo paradigma de efetivação da justiça e do respeito à diversidade

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Universidade Católica do Salvador


The main objective of this article is to understand the need and performance of the Exception and Ad Hoc courts at the international scope. It is characterized as a historical and cultural analysis, in order to make a reflexive about son the context of the great wars, the emergence of the main international tribunals and the consolidation of the International Penal Tribunal created by the Rome Statute. Finally, the article is still concerned with the perplexity of not having a judicial remedy of its own to deal with specific cases that would require effective international measures to restrict crimes against humanity



Tribunais ad hoc, Tribunais de exceção, Guerra, Conflito, Ad hoc courts, Exception courts, War, Conflict, SEMOC - Semana de Mobilização Científica

