Impacto da traqueostomia no tempo de ventilação mecânica invasiva em pacientes adultos: revisão narrativa
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Universidade Catolica de Salvador
Introduction:Part of the patients who are under the use of IMV, due to their critical clinical condition, need more time under the use of ventilation, whichiscalledExtendedMechanical Ventilation (PMV). However,
thislonger time under MV can cause severalcomplications. Therefore, it ispossiblethattracheostomyis a
viableoption for reducingthe time of mechanicalventilation.Objective:
Standardizeliteraryknowledgeabouttheimpact of tracheostomyonthe time of
invasivemechanicalventilation in adultpatients.Matherials and Methods:Anarrative review was carried
out involvingstudiesthatrelatedtracheostomy in patientsoninvasivemechanicalventilation and mortality
with bibliographicsurvey in thedatabasesPubMed, LILACS and SciELO, in English and Portuguese.
The survey was carried out fromMarch 2020 toApril 2020. The descriptorsusedwere "tracheostomy", ""
ventilationmechanicalinvasive "; and its descriptors in Portuguese: traqueostomia, ventilação
mecânica invasiva.Results:The selectedarticlesreferredtopublications in Portuguese and
Englishaccordingtothedescriptorsused. The publications in Portuguesetotaled 28 articles, twelve in
English and none in anotherlanguage. The period of publication was between 1999 and 2019, with
theoldestarticlesbeingusedonly for theconceptualpart of thestudy. Afterreading and
writingtheselectedarticles, only 12 madeupthestudy for presentingtheinformation and
evidenceproposedbythestudy.Final Considerations:Thus, it canbeconcludedthatprioritizingearlytracheostomy in adultpatients with neurologicaldisorders, whichis a
conditionthatusuallyrequires a longerperiod of mechanicalventilation, it isfeasible for
healthprofessionalstoapplytracheostomyearly as a waytoreducethe VM time and
thedamagecausedwhen it isprolonged.
Ventilação mecânica invasiva, Traqueostomia