A ética do desenvolvimento em Amartya Sen: um olhar a partir da obra Desenvolvimento como Liberdade
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
This research analyses the development of the ethical conception supported by Amartya Sen.
Such conception goals to get the rapprochement between economics and ethics. Sen
understands the human being is not the coadjuvant, but the protagonist in each economical
process, because real development should make better the lives of people. In order to be real
and effective, the development must promote the expansion of freedoms and human capacity,
in which each individual may have conditions to be able to take his role of agent, valuing the
lifestyle he has the raisons to that as well. In this way, the aim of this research is to analyse
the Armatian Sen’s development ethic, by his book Development as Freedom. It will be made
a qualitative study of biographical stamp and exploratory approach as well. This research
contributes to re-think development resources more sustainably and humanitarianly, adding
ethical values to the economical process.
Desenvolvimento, Ética, Capacidades humanas, Liberdade, Development, Ethics, Human capacities, Freedoms