Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação
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Nos últimos dez anos, a Universidade Católica do Salvador já formou mais de 200 mestres e doutores a partir de quatro programas de stricto sensu: Família na Sociedade Contemporânea, Planejamento Ambiental, Planejamento Territorial e Desenvolvimento Social e Políticas Sociais e Cidadania, todos reconhecidos pelo Ministério da Educação (MEC) e avaliados pela Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).
Browsing Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação by Subject "Abandono afetivo"
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Item O abandono afetivo e o dano moral à luz do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2012-02-24) Costa, Débora Souto; Cunha Júnior, Dirley da;; Santos, Edilton Meireles de Oliveira;; Pamplona Filho, Rodolfo Mário Veiga; study of the affective abandonment he is excellent, rank that if presents before a great parcel of the population, trying, to a great extent, disastrous and impactantes effect before the society. It is excellent subject, here it is that it interests some branches of sciences applied human beings, such as the human rights, the basic rights constitutionally guaranteed, the civil law, psychology and sociology. The Universal Declaration of the Human Rights consecrated the protection to the health, the family and the affection, while right to the familiar convivência, as right human being. The Brazilian Federal Constitution assimilated this source and included these basic rights in the chapter of the rights and guarantees. The present work intends to argue the relation of the basic right to the health with the human Rights and its consequence in the family. The chosen metodológica strategy was of qualitative nature, with the revision of scientific and doctrinal literature. The analysis of the article production, monographs and dissertações, the revision of sentences in some instances of the native courts, beyond study of cases brought for psychology for the field of the right. The results indicate that the implementation of public politics capable is pressing to acquire knowledge the population of the ominous personal and social consequences of the affective abandonment. Although the social interest in around of the subject and the increasing chain of doctrinal and jurisprudencial quarrel, the Superior Courts had been lingered not yet ahead of the problematic one with the attention that the same one requires, stimulating, of this making, the researcher to lean over itself with more tenacity on such substanceItem Interferência estatal nas relações familiares(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2013-07-31) Rosas, Maria Lúcia Garcia; Menezes, José Euclimar Xavier de;; Mascarenhas, Claudia; Barbosa, Camilo de Lelis ColaniThe theme of this dissertation is the State Interference in Family Relationships. It adopts as a landmark the constitutional principles included in the Charter magna 1988 that influenced the adoption of a new legal hermeneutics with regard to family relationships in particular the parental-filial relationship. After the 1988 C/F a profound change was produced in Family Law, which changed the profile of the parental-filial relationship to a unit of affection and solidarity, being recognized as an instrumental entity aimed to prioritize the interests of its constituents, especially those of children and adolescents, whose settlement shall be done by the principle of full protection of the minor. The overvaluation of affection by the State defined what would be a satisfactory familiar relationship, distinguishing it from other relationships that occur in everyday life. Law suits demanding compensation for moral damages are constantly filed, in order to convict alienated parents for civil liability, and expanding the radius of state action within family law. The overvaluation of affection by the legislature on the current family relationships allowed the State to broaden its interference in the family, intervening in a field that is not, in its particulars, accustomed to these interferences. With the scope of discussion systematization on this theme in the art of specialized State, as well as in its respective dogmatic concept, literature searching was supported by aid of logical-deductive method. Successive and crossed readings were carried out on texts of experts and dogmatism thinkers, who recorded them in files frequently reviewed, especially when there is a readback of contrasting ideas and concepts. When dealing with the legal text, hermeneutic analysis was proceeded of article 1513 of the Civil Code in force, which enforces the principle of freedom or non-intervention in the optics of Family Law. Consequence from the convergence of a literature review and application of legal hermeneutics is the recognition that this principle has direct relation to the principle of private autonomy, which must also exist under the Family Law, thus avoiding greater State interference. As a selection filter of scientific articles that deepen this discussion here constructed and checked, databases such as from the Virtual Library of Brazilian Journals (Scielo), from which are collected and selected productions relevant to the topic, besides Bank of Theses and Dissertations from CAPES / Public Domain.Item Relação família e escola: um estudo sobre o abandono afetivo e o processo de aprendizagem escolar(UCSal, Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019) Silva, Fernando de Almeida; Fornasier, Rafael Cerqueira (Orient.)A pesquisa sobre a Relação Família e Escola: um estudo sobre abandono afetivo e o processo de aprendizagem escolar, tem como objetivo geral descrever o fenômeno do abandono afetivo na perspectiva interdisciplinar e suas possíveis consequências no processo de aprendizagem escolar. Postula-se, pois, que as relações afetivas tendem a influenciar o desenvolvimento humano, sobretudo quando favorece o fortalecimento dos vínculos e torna a aprendizagem infantil prazerosa. A experiência docente no ensino público, embora careça de pesquisas empíricas, nos permite intuir que o exercício da não-afetividade, negligência ou abandono afetivo tanto na família quanto na escola incidem de forma negativa na aprendizagem escolar. Propomos, pois, enquanto pesquisa qualitativa, realizar uma revisão narrativa de literatura (empírica e não-empírica) e estado da arte em obras, autores clásssicos (Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, Henri Wallon) e contemporâneos (Francesco Botturi, Pierpaolo Donati, Urie Bronfenbrenner, Paulo Freire, entre outros) que discutem a importância do complexo afetivo no processo de desenvolvimento humano. Organizada em quatro capítulos com seus respectivos eixos temáticos (família, escola, aprendizagem e abandono afetivo) o cerne da discussão ou ‘fio condutor’ da pesquisa é a integração dos complexos afetivos e cognitivos, condição fundamental ao processo de aprendizagem de uma criança. A interdisciplinaridade do estudo enriquece a tessitura conceitual sobre os novos arranjos familiares no Brasil, a importância dos processos afetivos na aprendizagem, os desafios postos à educação no século vigente e, principalmente, as causas e consequências do fenômeno do abandono afetivo na sociedade contemporânea. O estudo realizado, embora necessite de mais pesquisas, indica que, de fato, o abandono afetivo prejudica a aprendizagem escolar e que a maioria dos casos de abandono no Brasil está associada às condições de vulnerabilidade social da família, requerendo da escola um projeto de intervenção pedagógica capaz de criar as condições necessárias ao processo de aprendizagem.