Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação
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Nos últimos dez anos, a Universidade Católica do Salvador já formou mais de 200 mestres e doutores a partir de quatro programas de stricto sensu: Família na Sociedade Contemporânea, Planejamento Ambiental, Planejamento Territorial e Desenvolvimento Social e Políticas Sociais e Cidadania, todos reconhecidos pelo Ministério da Educação (MEC) e avaliados pela Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).
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Item A EC 66/2010 e seus reflexos(UCSal, Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2022-10-31) Reña, Adriana Gomes Martins; Barbosa, Camilo de Lelis Colani (Orient.)O presente trabalho aborda as inovações e as dificuldades trazidas pela emenda constitucional Nº 66/2010 em relação aos divórcios realizados na esfera judicial. Essa emenda suprimiu os requisitos necessários pedidos anteriormente, com o objetivo de facilitar a concessão do divórcio. Esses requisitos deixaram de existir e ainda foi disponibilizado a possibilidade desse divórcio ser decretado de forme liminar, o que fica autorizado como decisão e entendimento do julgador. Passaram-se 12 anos da emenda e ainda é possível identificar que nem todos os juízes aplicam esse critério e entende como possível a decretação do divórcio de forma liminar deixando para julgar após ouvir a outra parte, mesmo entendendo que trata-se de um direito potestativo. Essa temática faz com que ainda paire duvidas em relação ao instituto da separação sendo motivo de repercussão geral para julgamento no STF. Trata-se de uma problemática em discurssão para construção de maiores esclarecimentos.Item A família e o envelhecimento com sentido na perspectiva da logoterapia e análise existencial(UCSal, Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-09-29) Coelho, Denise Gersen Pinto; Sá, Sumaia Midlej Pimentel (Orient.); Ferriz, José Luiz Sepúlveda (Coorient.)O envelhecimento, enquanto condição natural humana, pode ser compreendido e vivido de formas diferentes, a depender de como cada pessoa lida com as mudanças fisiológicas, psíquicas e sociais no decorrer da vida. O objetivo desta dissertação é compreender o envelhecimento com sentido e sua possível associação com a forma como o idoso se relaciona com sua família. Tem como objetivos específicos: conhecer quais características existenciais do idoso colaboram para suas relações familiares; caracterizar o envelhecimento com sentido e identificar se a Logoterapia e Análise Existencial contribui para o entendimento do envelhecimento com sentido. A metodologia utilizada para esta pesquisa foi a revisão bibliográfica na vertente filosófica com análise de texto, no método hermenêutico, cuja proposta é mediar a compreensão e os significados. As evidências dos resultados revelaram a importância da família na vida das pessoas, independente da sua configuração familiar, bem como, o afeto e a forma de acolher e se relacionar como possíveis colaboradores para o bem-estar físico e psíquico, contribuindo para que haja um envelhecimento com sentido, porém, não determinam, devido a liberdade e responsabilidade da dimensão noética. A forma como o idoso se relaciona com a família está correlacionada com seus princípios, valores desenvolvidos desde a infância, as vivências e experiências afetivas, que orientam diante as escolhas e decisões, e nesta certeza, ele é capaz de responder e se posicionar na vida.Item A família sob a lente dos adolescentes em cumprimento de medidas socioeducativas em meio aberto(UCSal, Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2023-04-28) Cruz, Lígia Souza da; Carrera, Gilca OliveiraO presente estudo objetivou analisar como os adolescentes em cumprimento de Medidas Socioeducativas em meio aberto, no Centro de Referência Especializado de Assistência Social (CREAS), de uma cidade da região metropolitana de Salvador, compreendem o sentido de família. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida a partir de uma abordagem qualitativa. Os dados foram obtidos em duas etapas: Na primeira, foi utilizado o recurso fotográfico e, na segunda, uma entrevista semiestruturada. Todo o processo de análise das entrevistas e fotografias foi realizado por intermédio de seis categorias de significações organizadas das quais todas foram comuns aos participantes, sendo elas: significados do ato infracional para os adolescentes; família versus medida socioeducativa; entendimento do conceito de família; identidades e reconhecimento dos aspectos positivos da medida socioeducativa; amizade como rede de apoio social; sustentáculo materno. Os resultados revelaram que, para os participantes, a concepção de família está interligada às redes de apoio, ao acolhimento, à união, dentre outros aspectos de ordem objetiva e subjetiva. Os resultados apontaram que, na maioria dos casos analisados, a família idealizada pelos adolescentes não correspondem à realidade por eles projetada e ao contexto familiar narrado; evidenciou-se também a importância do acompanhamento familiar no processo de cumprimento da medida socioeducativa através dos relatos dissertados pelos entrevistados. Para os adolescentes, a significação atribuída ao ato infracional foi percebida de forma negativa, ocasionando arrependimentos a posteriori. O estudo também apontou que sob a ótica dos três socioeducandos participantes não houve possíveis correlações entre família, contexto sociocultural e ato infracional cometido. Finalizando este estudo, propõe-se uma reflexão acerca da materialização de práticas socioeducativas que considerem tanto o adolescente quanto a sua família a fim de que possibilitem novas inserções na sociedade.Item A importância das políticas de compliance e a autorregulação regulada como ferramentas de prevenção à lavagem de dinheiro(UCSal, Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-03-31) Cezar, Silvia Monique Santos; Baqueiro, Fernanda Ravazzano Lopes (Orient.)O presente estudo versa acerca das políticas de compliance e a autoregulação regulada como ferramentas de prevenção à lavagem de dinheiro. Tem como objetivo principal realizar análises à luz do novo panorama do Direito Penal, no viés da criminalidade econômica transnacional sustentada nas novas tecnologias e formas de conexão promovidas pela globalização, para verificar se as políticas de compliance e a autorreguação regulada são ferramentas eficazes de prevenção e combate à lavagem de dinheiro, além de examinar a responsabilidade penal por omissão e, consequentemente, o dever jurídico de agir do compliance officer, considerando os compromissos assumidos pelo Brasil no exterior, por intermédio das convenções internacionais. O estudo também se dedica a investigar os marcos legais do criminal compliance e as implicações penais que as legislações impõem ao cargo de compliance officer. Por meio do método hipotético-dedutivo, o estudo caracteriza-se pela utilização da metodologia de pesquisa do tipo teórico-bibliográfico, buscou-se, por meio da abordagem qualitativa, investigar na legislação específica da matéria, nas Convenções Internacionais de Viena, de Mérida, de Palermo e as recomendações do GAFI, na doutrina relativa à matéria, bem como alguns julgados paradigmáticos (AP 470 do STF e BGH StR 5 394/08 Tribunal Superior Federal Alemão) a solução o problema, elemento motivador para o estudo. Para tanto, utiliza-se a abordagem jurídica a fim de refletir, pelo viés da ciência criminal, para responder a seguinte indagação: em quais aspectos a autorregulação regulada e as políticas de criminal compliance podem auxiliar na prevenção do crime de lavagem de dinheiro numa sociedade globalizada e em qual medida haveria responsabilidade penal por omissão imprópria do compliance officer? Nota-se que o Direito Penal está profundamente relacionado com as questões do estudo por proporcionar diretrizes que definem condições viáveis para o desenvolvimento de uma análise mais aprofundada, que por diferentes enfoques e perspectivas, consegue refletir sobre as hipóteses levantadas na pesquisa e a chegar às primeiras reflexões investigadas e considerações finais com segurança.Item A relação entre avós e netos: a ótica de servidores de uma escola confessional católica(UCSal, Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2022-11-24) Santos, Maria das Graças Fonseca dos; Rabinovich, Elaine Pedreira (Orient.); Azambuja, Rosa Maria da Motta (Coorient.)Este estudo tomou como objeto as relações entre avós e netos vistos a partir de profissionais de uma escola confessional católica. Adotou a abordagem relacional que analisa e interpreta os aspectos que ligam as pessoas para cooperar em sua convivência social com o objetivo de compreender a relação avós e netos na ótica de Irmãs Religiosas Educadoras e de membros da equipe de apoio administrativo, pedagógico e funcionários de uma escola confessional. Partiu da questão de como Irmãs Educadoras Religiosas Consagradas e a equipe de apoio administrativo, técnico pedagógico percebem a relação entre avós e netos na escola. Para tal, objetivou descrever a tipologia dos avós, segundo a ótica da instituição escolar, quanto à linhagem materna e paterna, tipo de convivência e o papel na dinâmica escolar; vínculo entre avós-escola estabelecido através da frequência de contatos e atividades desenvolvidas juntos na instituição; a influência do convívio avós-netos no contexto educacional; os fatores percebidos que facilitam ou obstaculizam o relacionamento entre avós-escola. Seu marco teórico foram as contribuições de Donati; Dias; Coutrim, entre outros. A pesquisa foi realizada em uma escola da rede particular de confissão católica de I e II graus no município de Salvador, Bahia, com 15 participantes, sendo 05 irmãs religiosas, 05 especialistas e 05 funcionários da equipe de apoio e administrativo. Optou-se pela abordagem qualitativa exploratória por meio de entrevista semiestruturada. Os resultados foram organizados em dois grandes eixos: perfil dos netos matriculados e avós no contexto escolar; e os dados decorrentes das entrevistas que foram organizados nos seguintes tópicos: presença dos avós: assuntos e atividades institucionais; influência dos avós no processo escolar dos netos; fatores facilitadores e dificultadores no relacionamento avós/netos. Os resultados confirmaram a presença dos avós no cenário escolar, quer como apoio social, instrumental e afetivo aos pais em seu cuidado aos filhos, quer assumindo a educação total de seus netos, inclusive na vida escolar.Item O abandono afetivo e o dano moral à luz do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2012-02-24) Costa, Débora Souto; Cunha Júnior, Dirley da;; Santos, Edilton Meireles de Oliveira;; Pamplona Filho, Rodolfo Mário Veiga; study of the affective abandonment he is excellent, rank that if presents before a great parcel of the population, trying, to a great extent, disastrous and impactantes effect before the society. It is excellent subject, here it is that it interests some branches of sciences applied human beings, such as the human rights, the basic rights constitutionally guaranteed, the civil law, psychology and sociology. The Universal Declaration of the Human Rights consecrated the protection to the health, the family and the affection, while right to the familiar convivência, as right human being. The Brazilian Federal Constitution assimilated this source and included these basic rights in the chapter of the rights and guarantees. The present work intends to argue the relation of the basic right to the health with the human Rights and its consequence in the family. The chosen metodológica strategy was of qualitative nature, with the revision of scientific and doctrinal literature. The analysis of the article production, monographs and dissertações, the revision of sentences in some instances of the native courts, beyond study of cases brought for psychology for the field of the right. The results indicate that the implementation of public politics capable is pressing to acquire knowledge the population of the ominous personal and social consequences of the affective abandonment. Although the social interest in around of the subject and the increasing chain of doctrinal and jurisprudencial quarrel, the Superior Courts had been lingered not yet ahead of the problematic one with the attention that the same one requires, stimulating, of this making, the researcher to lean over itself with more tenacity on such substanceItem O abrigo, a criança e a família: caminhos da reinserção familiar(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-02-25) Cardoso, Lorena Márcia Nascimento; Bastos, Ana Cecília de Sousa Bittencourt;; Ferriz, Adriana Freire Pereira;; Souza, Cinthia Barreto Santos;; Rabinovich, Elaine Pedreira;; Lima, Isabel Maria Sampaio Oliveira;; Alcântara, Miriã Alves Ramos de; http://lattes.cnpq.brThe social and familiar aspects related to the removal of children from their homes and, in some cases, the family life, put on the scene the situation of vulnerability in which are found many Brazilian families. In this scenario we have the institutional reception of children in shelters and the mechanisms that operate directly in the process of family reintegration. On this, our research object is the perspective of technical professionals that have been or are monitoring sheltered children and their families in the process of reintegration. We have the following research question: What family reality is unveiled throughout a process of reintegration of sheltered children in their families and how do the institution’s technical professional experience this process? To answer it, we have raised as main goal: i) analyze the track of family reintegration considering the context of the institution and of the sheltered child’s family of origin, in the perspective of technical professionals that operate this modality of reception. And, as specifics: ii) map the types of intervention/receptions targeted to the sheltered child’s family made by the shelter’s technical professionals, discussing the elements that interfere on reintegration; iii) identify the context’s conditions (house and family’s structure) to a successful reintegration, in the perspective of the shelter’s technical professionals; iv) analyze the relation of the shelter’s technical professionals with the child’s family and other systems that are part of the social and legal assistance to child protection network, facing the possibility of reintegration in family of origin; and v) analyze the meaning of institutional reception of children and family reintegration to shelter’s technical professionals. This is a qualitative research, with the design of a multiple case study (Yin, 2003; 2005; 2015). Half structured interviews were carried out with six professionals that operate or have operated as technicians in institutional childcare service, in the city of Salvador- BA. The data analysis was based on the construction of categories based on the bio-ecological model of Bronfenbrenner (1979/1996). The following were used as theoretical contributions: Bioecological Theory of Human Development (Bronfenbrenner, 1979/1996, 1989, 1993, 1998, 2004, 2011; Bronfenbrenner & Morris, 1998) and the Family Systemic Structural Theory (Minuchin, 1966/1990; Minuchin, P., Colapinto & Minuchin, 1999; 2011; Minuchin & Fishman, 2003), with the purpose of substantiating the analysis and understanding of the data. Thus, we conclude that the institutional reception of children composes a complex territory and the data obtained allowed us to access this reality through the perspective, coming from a professional trajectory, that sometimes was intertwined and confused with the trajectory of life.Item Abuso sexual infantil: preparados, senhores bacháreis?(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2016-01-28) Caribé, Júlia de Barros; Lima, Isabel Maria Sampaio Oliveira;; Prado, Alessandra Rapassi Mascarenhas; Ristum, Marilena; Alcântara, Miriã Alves Ramos deHuman rights and health issues are directly interconnected when dealing with the sexual abuse of children. As a result, a truly interdisciplinary approach is required to deal with this issue. Child sexual abuse is a complex phenomenon and calls for a multi-approach education for legal professionals to prevent additional harm to the victim and her family. The multidisciplinary interaction of the professionals involved with the protection of the child victim of sexual abuse is essential to the effectiveness of reducing harm, interrupting the cycle of violence, rebuilding family ties and to preventing the re-victimization of the child. It begins with the assumption that the curriculum offered by Institutions of Higher Learning (acronym IES in Portuguese) in law schools in the state of Bahia do not have the interdisciplinary nature necessary for the education of future legal professionals to deal with issues related to the full protection of the child victim of intrafamilial sexual abuse. This research issue is based on the following question: how does legal education promote the education of the legal professional from an interdisciplinary perspective of the full protection of the child victim of intrafamilial sexual abuse? The overall objective of the study is to analyze legal education from an interdisciplinary perspective to guarantee the full protection of the child victim of intrafamilial sexual abuse. The specific objectives are: a) to analyze intrafamilial sexual abuse and its subjective implications regarding the victim and family; b) to discuss Brazilian legal education from an interdisciplinary perspective and its impact on the full protection of the child victim of intrafamilial sexual abuse. A qualitative approach was taken and the research is associated with historical materialism and dialectical materialism. This includes a literature review, legislative review, and field research with semi-structured surveys of legal professionals practicing in the area of child protection. Data analysis was performed using the hermaneutic-dialectic model. Results showed that the current legal education model does not promote a humane education that focuses on social questions. The importance of interdisciplinarity in legal education is highlighted, an education which currently focuses on the letter of the law. In order to deal with intrafamilial sexual abuse, the legal system needs ethical professionals who are capable of responding effectively to the challenges in these times of social change. To this end, the IES should provide its students with the opportunity to develop abilities, competencies and sensibilities that are aligned with the increasing dissemination of the idea of interdisciplinarity.Item Acessibilidade e inclusão: a eficácia do Programa Escola Acessível em escolas das Redes Municipal e Estadual de Salvador, Bahia, Brasil(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-05-29) Silva, Márcia Duarte da; Freitas, Kátia Siqueira de;; Miranda, Teresinha Guimarães; Lepikson, Maria de Fátima PessôaThis research had as object of study the Accessible School Program (ASP), created by the federal government to ensure that students with disabilities, global development disorders and high abilities/gift enrolled in regular classes, have the right to share the learning spaces through access to the physical environment, to teaching and learning resources and to communication and information. The main goal was to evaluate the efficacy of ASP in the perspective of space accessibility for students with physical disability, who use wheelchairs, in municipal and state schools of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. The field of investigation was limited to two teaching units, one municipal and one state. The methodology was qualitative, through descriptive approach. The techniques to collect data were: document analysis of the legal and educational basis for the implementation of the program. Among them, Decree 5.296/2004, which regulates the Laws 10.048/2000 and 10.098/2000 and states the basic criteria to promote accessibility for people with disabilities or reduced mobility. ABNT NBR 9050 was also studied, as it addresses building accessibility, furniture, spaces and urban equipments. A questionnaire was conducted with eleven people: 2 school managers, 4 students’ mothers, 1 female student, 3 child development helpers and 1 civil engineer. At last, participative observation was conducted through tables adapted by the researcher from the Manual de Acessibilidade Espacial para Escolas: o direito à escola acessível, published by MEC (DISCHINGER; BINS ELY; BORGES, 2009) to evaluate the conditions for direction, mobility and use in the surroundings and inside areas of the schools. As theoretical basis, the theoretical premises which guide the efficacy evaluation of the ASP were searched. From a critical analysis, the obstacles that impair or hinder people with disabilities from safe access, movement, circulation and possibility to communicate or access information were identified. Thus, the inefficacy of the ASP was recognized. Suggestions were also made for it to reach its goals. The efficacy evaluation of the ASP allowed the understanding of how its goals are met, highlighting its importance in the guarantee of fundamental rights of students with disabilities and in the promotion of the democratic State.Item Acessibilidade para pessoas com deficiência em espaços públicos de lazer esportivo de Salvador(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-03-28) Pereira, Joacir da Costa; Carvalho, Inaiá Maria Moreira de;; Pinto, Isabela Cardoso de Matos; Sá, Kátia Oliver de; Freitas, Kátia Siqueira de; http://lattes.cnpq.brThe study in question was conducted in order to identify and point out what measures some of the main public sports leisure facilities in the city of Salvador (BA) are adapted to promote access and to be used by people with physical and visual disabilities. The research was guided by Federal Law 10,098 / 00, which regulates basic criteria for the promotion of accessibility of People with Disabilities in public places, as well as by ABNT NBR 9050/15, which stipulates the technical conditions under which these leisure projects should be designed. Through a critical-theoretical discussion resulting from bibliographical and documentary researches and also collected in the field through photographs, questionnaire application and systematic observation using field diary, metric tape and semi-structured script, the approach of this investigation highlighted the importance of public spaces for sports leisure for people with physical and visual disabilities, as well as the current accessibility conditions found in public squares and parks in different neighborhoods of the city. At the end of this research, it was possible to observe that, by projectual and administrative matters the squares and leisure parks of the city present several architectural and urban limitations that make them incapable of attending in a safe, comfortable and autonomous way the needs of direction, displacement and communication of people with physical and visual disabilities.Item O acesso à informação em universidades públicas no Brasil: transparência e eficiência em uma sociedade da informação, após implementação da lei nº 12.527/2011(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-03-22) Aguiar, Reinaldo Pereira de; Cunha Júnior, Dirley da;; Freitas, Kátia Siqueira de;; Portella, André Alves;; Bahia, Saulo Casali;; Soares, Ricardo Maurício Freire; research work was developed as a requirement of the Postgraduate Program in the Doctorate modality that deals with access to information in Public Universities in order to research how these educational institutions are complying with the determinations of federal law nº. 12.527/2011, the Law on Access to Information, entitled as LAI that allows, among other aspects, greater transparency, publicity and efficiency in public management, as determined by article 37, of the 1988 Federal Constitution. In this sense, the general objective of the research was to analyze what are the forms of access to information adopted by public universities within the scope of the constitutional and legal precepts provided for in the Brazilian legal framework, an opportunity in which a brief history of access to information during the early 21st century. In the methodology, documents available on the world wide web and dialogues with five Brazilian universities were observed, namely: UFBA; UFG; UFPA; UFPR and USP. Concerning the purposes of the research, descriptive and exploratory research was used, in addition to qualitative and quantitative research. The multiple case study technique was also adopted, confirming the hypothesis that the researched universities do not comply with the Law on Access to Information, according to the legal, normative and regulatory order, which can corroborate the commitment of efficiency in the end-and-middle activity of these institutions. The research provided numerous information that surprised the researcher, such as: a) the inefficiency in serving the internal and external public; b) insufficient internal communication; c) failure to fully comply with the role of the institutions surveyed in the middle and end activities with rules, regulations and the Brazilian legal framework with an emphasis on Law no. 12.527/2011 and the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil (1988). However, immediately, the research was successful in its development when it was noticed that one of the institutions surveyed noticed the need for changes in the "Access to Information" Menu and immediately made changes, reformulating the entire website of the service. However, in general, it was noticed that the websites of the researched institutions are not accessible; they do not have accessibility features and there was no universal usability in an equal way. Thus, universal access must be inclusive without exclusion, such as the availability of information in the Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) as the summary of this thesis.Item Acesso à justiça e o abuso do direito de ação(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-03-30) Jorge, Mayara Vaz Valois Voutinho; Paradela, André SigilianoItem Acesso à Justiça, Estado e Cidadania: para além de um paradigma normativista(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2017-02-21) Pinho, Frederico Jose Andrade de Macedo; Pinho, Frederico Jose Andrade de Macedo; Bastos, Antônio Adonias Aguiar;; Portella, André Alves;; Villas-Bôas, Maria ElisaThe researches and the studies about access to justice - through the time – have been concentrated, priority, in the law ampliation plan or the positive law efectiveness, it means,the attention dispensed by the doctrine about the access to justice conception and evolution, is focused, in many aspects, on the normative area.This situation is lined in the following logic: the positive law are not applied in the social plan – mainly because the inefficiency of the constituted powers, with special featured to the executive and legislative power -, what makes creating a high demand to the judicial power in the intention to concretization of this rights. The reasoning line adopted star to the theoretical premises totally different from that ones usually used for the access to justice studies. It have deffended that the full accomplishmentof the access to justice is into the dynamics of social relations. The notion of citizenship is imbricated with the politic participation and with social movements for the conquest of rights. There is no possibility of effective changes and, in large scale, what refers specifically to the access to justice, if does not exist popular mobilization, awareness of the people in relation to the conflicts and difficulties that must be overdue. It-s necessary to understand that the research for the implementation aod effectiveness of rights, in a large dimension, demand a political culture active of the social bases and not from the exclusive way of the constituted powers. The citizenship and the social emancipation must be request and conquered in the base of the social relations, in the inttention that the citizenship can not be outsourced by the Judicial Power because this phenomenon will bring reflexes into the democracy.Item Acesso a medicamentos para tratamento do câncer de mama no Estado da Bahia pelos pacientes do SUS: através da promoção de ação civil pública pela Defensoria Pública da União(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2018-07-31) Gómez, Carlos Gustavo da Silva; Portella, André Alves;; Freitas, Carlos Eduardo Soares de; Pitta, Ana Maria FernandesThis dissertation intends to treat access to drugs for the treatment of breast cancer in the State of Bahia by the patients of the Unified Health System (SUS), through the promotion of Public Civil Action (PCA) by the Public Defender of the Union (DPU). The objective is to analyze the DPU's performance in the State of Bahia in the proposal of the PCA in the promotion and guarantee of the right to health of SUS users, specifically the access to medicines for the treatment of breast cancer in the period from 2009 to 2017. the assumption raised was the one that sought to know if through the interposition of the Public Civil Action, the Public Defender's Office of the Union have managed to implement the right to health in the praxis of users of the Unified Health System in Bahia, in what concerns the guarantee of access to medicines for the treatment of breast cancer. For this purpose, the present research has followed the following paths: 1 - Since the Public Defender's Office was entitled to propose Public Civil Action through Complementary Law 132/2009 and Constitutional Amendment No. 80/2014, there was an increase in proposed Public Civil Actions, especially in the scope of the promotion and guarantee of health in the State of Bahia by the Public Defender of the Union in the period from 2009 to 2017; 2 - Through the management of the Public Civil Action, the Public Defender's Office of the Union has obtained judicial decisions favorable to the compulsory granting of medicines by the Public Power to citizens, users of the Unified Health System, in the treatment of breast cancer; 3 - The judgments arising from the interposition of the Public Civil Action by the Public Defenders of the Union in Bahia have been complied with by the Government when it refers to the granting of medicines to users of the Unified Health System for the treatment of breast cancer; and, perhaps the most important of them, 4 - What sought to know why there was a need for the use of legal instruments by public ombudsmen throughout the country to assert the rights constitutionally guaranteed to all citizens. Finally, the research aims to achieve results, through bibliographical, documentary and qualitative data analysis, to verify if in the praxis the management of the PCA by the DPU has resulted in the realization of the right to health for SUS users in the State of Bahia in which refers to the treatment of breast cancer through access to medicines.Item O acesso ao ensino superior da pessoa encarcerada em regime fechado(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-05-12) Pereira, Cláudia Lysle Silva; Alban, Rafaela de Oliveira; academic paper aims to analyze the decisions that authorize - or not - the incarcerated person to enter higher education, observing the resocializer character of the penalty, sculpted by the Penal Execution Law, and the Right to Education as a fundamental right. Our effort is that lack of access to higher education are related to other lack, that is a clear legislative provision delimiting this issue, leading each Judge to determine access according to their interpretation. This paper discuss the risk that higher education accessibility policies will be unsuccessful, given the need for express authorization from the judicial authority. It is argued that this situation has an impact on educational levels existing within the Brazilian prisons, interfering with rights enforcement during sentence serving, and also with prisoners’ social rights, which shouldn’t beseverelyrestricted just because of criminal conviction. For this analysis, a bibliographic review will be carried out, with inspection of public documents and emphasis on existing decisions and judgments on the theme, in addition to data on education and prison system, published by official agencies (MEC, Inep, Infopen and SEAPs).Item Ações afirmativas na universidade estadual de Feira de Santana-UEFS: permanência das (os) estudantes cotistas no ensino superior(Universidade Catolica de Salvador, 2015-06-18) Oliveira, Carina Silva de Carvalho; Silva, Julie Sarah Lourau Alves da;; Garcia, Antônia dos Santos; Castro, Mary GarciaOver the last years, the debate about the implementation of affirmative actions has been intensified in the Universities of Brazil, by bringing up the issue on whether adoption of such policies would cause the racialization of the country, which criteria would be used to identify its beneficiaries, which impacts on the quality of Higher Education and the difficulties faced by minorities, regarding their permanence in the institution until the completion of the degree. This study aims to analyze the policy of affirmative actions in State University of Feira de Santana-UEFS, in Bahia. Thus, we intend to identify the impacts on the access and permanence of those minorities, i.e., the student assistance policy for the minorities permanance in Higher Education, focusing on UEFS as a field of study. In Brazil, the law 12.711/12 sanctions the quota system at the Federal Universities, reserving half of the vacancies of those institutions for black students, African-Brazilians and (those) who have fully attended Public High School. UEFS has adopted the quota system since 2007. The study presented here is based on an empirical research. In order to carry it out, a comprehensive literature review was necessary, accompanied by field research. It is also characterized by a participant observation. For data collection, written records have been used, mostly documents, in addition to those, structured and semi-structured interviews. These changes in the Higher Education system in the country show the relevance of this research, despite the advances, it is known that quotas are far from being the solution to socially vulnerable groups insertion, such as ethnic and racial minorities, however, its implementation becomes an instrument of democratization and search for equality, especially in historically built for the elite: the Universities in Brazil.Item Adoção da auditoria ambiental compulsória no Estado da Bahia: análise jurídica e diretrizes necessárias para incorporação do instrumento de política pública ambiental(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2013-09-26) Brandão, Dayse Cristiane Seabra; Portella, André Alves;; Alva, Juan Carlos Rossi; Souza, Joselito Viana de; Souza, JoselitoThis study aims to analyze the adoption legally compulsory environmental audit in the state of Bahia. It is an instrument of state intervention imposed on various productive sectors, while ensuring the preservation, improvement and restoration of environmental quality, through a systematic, periodic and objective of establishing secure strategies to evaluate the company's compliance with respect to the middle environment, enabling compliance, continuous improvement in environmental performance, as well as a firm basis for correcting or minimizing negative environmental impacts. The legal institute integrates the role of the new instruments that seek to ensure the effectiveness of sustainable development. Due to the lack of national standards of the disciplinary matter, we conducted a chronological survey of the existing legal and a comparative analysis of the laws of Brazilian states that have adopted the tool, in order to identify the specifics of the new legal institute. The results indicate that the instrument is in line with the Brazilian legal system for protection of the environment , which were the legal criteria for the State of Bahia can incorporate compulsory environmental audit as an instrument of environmental public policy, with the correction, including some vulnerabilities detected in comparative study.Item Adolescente-mãe em conflito com a lei: vivência da maternidade em cumprimento de medida socioeducativa(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2011) Almeida, Nadir Oliveira Galrão Leite de; Lima, Isabel Maria Sampaio Oliveira;; Alcântara, Miriã Alves Ramos de;; Iriart, Mirela Figueiredo SantosThis research aims to investigate the meanings of the experience of motherhood as lived by adolescent mothers in conflict with the law who are institutionalized under socio-educational measures, based on interviews carried out during field work in the Socio-Educational Services Community (CASE/SSA) that integrates the Children and Adolescents’ Foundation in the State of Bahia (FUNDAC/BA). The objective was to examine the transition to motherhood with a focus on pregnancy, child care and education as well as the emotional and sexual experiences, and the impact of the institutionalization measures for motherhood. Five selected teenagers participated in the research using the criteria of motherhood under socio-educational measures of institutionalization. We interviewed two educators of measure in order to contextualize the practices and standards of CASE. And the sample is intentionally nonrandom qualitative, it is not statistically representative of the phenomenon of teenage pregnancy nor the profile of youth who commits an infraction, but informative about the circumstances of the offense, family life, sexual and reproductive health of the adolescent participants. The interview applied to the adolescents, specifically designed to achieve the objectives of the study, consists of seven topics related to school life, family, and criminal record and sexual affective, including, teenage motherhood. The interview applied to the educators included questions that highlight their perspective on the seven dimensions of the experience of young motherhood in compliance with institutionalization measures. Taken from the meanings of contrast between recurrent and unique, the data shows that the experience of motherhood in this context is specular in the face of womanhood and class, in which social exclusion is aggravated by low educational levels.Item Adolescentes institucionalizados(as) em situação de exclusão na cidade de Salvador: uma investigação social e étnica sob o prisma dos direitos humanos(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2016-10-20) Santana, Gilton Carlos da Silva; Cavalcanti, Vanessa Ribeiro Simon;; Dias, Maria Isabel Correia; Rocha, Sheila Marta Carregosa; Silva, Antonio Carlos daThe purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the situation of children (people aged between 12 to 17 years old) institutionalized in the city of Salvador - Bahia. The intention was to combine ethnic and regional bias focusing on collecting data to show the reality of this socially vulnerable population. The idea of this study was to analyze the local reality using epistemological reflections marked by critical theory and laws of Human Rights. Considering the specific objectives, the following goals were established: Proceed a survey data collection based on official statistics establishing possible categories of color-ethnicity, race and age group above mentioned; Point theoretically the possible connection between the public policy and Human Rights; identify the existing network for assistance, protection and support for these public according to the principle of full protection (ECA,1990); and analyze the specialized legislation host for this age group in the city of Salvador. It was established as timeframe the period between 2013 and 2016, where was applied the qualitative methods to examine the interviews showing the representations of the public power (with consent and guarantee of confidentiality and secrecy). Also were conducted statistics analysis of technical reports collected from the Public Ministry of Bahia, National Council of Justice and the Court of the State of Bahia database as secondary sources. The results shows that even though it was possible to identify a significant increase in volume of Institutional Foster Care Service (51.79%), there is no homogeneous distribution throughout the national territory. In the same timeframe was possible to verify an increase of 19,53% in the total number of vulnerable people demanding institutional help. From 2013 to 2016 46 new units were created in Bahia, despite the growth of 48.30% of protective measures in addition to this situation in the specific research area 324 people were detected which represents 0.70% of the national statistics (45.893).In conclusion this study revealed that variables as health problems and physical vulnerabilities are the most relevant ones in the process of institutionalization.Item Adolescentes:o que eles pensam da família?(Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-03-31) Bahia, Edson Queiroz; Petrini, Giancarlo;; Moreira, Lúcia Vaz de Campos;; Carneiro, Suzana Filizola B.;; Santos, José Eduardo Ferreira; present dissertation focuses on the period of development of the individual between 14 and 18 years of age, and, attentive to the countless transformations that the family has undergone in the last decades, and considering the various types of arrangements existing today, advances in the to identify the impact and influence it has on the development of adolescents and how they see and understand it. The work presents the basic functions performed by the family institution during the process of emotional, cultural and cognitive development of adolescents, and the transitions that bring about great changes in the formation of the identity of young people, analyzing the mechanisms that, despite changes in society, remain the same ones, as pointed out by the numerous studies on the theme. This dissertation also presents a systematization of the results obtained through a bibliographic study involving the descriptors: family, adolescent and adolescence, as well as the field study carried out with adolescents of the studied age group. Finally, the family is identified as one of the main elements that can both help and hinder young people in their choices, and will depend on the type of experiences lived by their ancestors in the recent past, and when the teenager recognizes these influences, he can use them consciously and establish your personal and family life plan for the future.