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    Extração de fosfato e utilização da técnica de rochagem como alternativa para os pequenos e médios agricultores
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-04-29) Souza, Helder Silva; Benati, Kátia Regina;
    Brazil is considered the breadbasket of the world, since a large piece of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) comes from agriculture. However, the country is going through a delicate situation, since that in order to continue and increase production without the need to expand the area, it needs agrominerals to fertilize the soil whenever it is old and leached. Currently, most of the agrominerals used are imported and very expensive, what makes it hard for small and medium farmers to acquire them. Besides, the conventional fertilizers are very soluble and not adapted to tropical regions, and for that reason are washed away, leading to supply reduction for later crops and eutrophication of rivers and lakes. That can directly impact human supply, as in phosphate for instance, which whether it is in large quantity in the sources, it causes the development of algae that produce toxins, leading to a reduction in the amount of oxygen dissolved in the water, harming the fish and consequently all the local aquatic ecosystem. Thus, looking for solutions to help small farmers cause less harm to the environment, reduce the country dependence on imported fertilizers and help the mining companies discard the waste ecologically, a technique called “rockiness”, “rock powder” or “remineralizer”, has been disseminated. This technique consists on fertilizing the soil by using specific grinded rocks, which are considered intelligent fertilizers, as they gradually releases minerals to plants but do not harm the soil by avoiding excesses, contributing to an agricultural sustainable practice and facilitating its use for those who cannot afford the conventional fertilizers. It is important to mention that the use of remineralizers does not intend to replace the conventional fertilizers but to increase the range of possibilities for soil fertilization what consequently makes the man keep working in the agriculture as well as a healthier food production. Since fertility is expected to be acquired without the addition of chemical processes in the beneficiation. It will occur only by the use of grinded rocks, which remain in the soil for a longer period.