Engenharia Química

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O egresso do Curso Engenharia Química da UCSAL tem uma formação generalista, humanista, crítica e reflexiva, capacitado a absorver e desenvolver novas tecnologias e para uma atuação crítica e criativa na identificação e resolução de problemas, considerando seus aspectos políticos, econômicos, sociais, ambientais e culturais, com visão ética e humanística, em atendimento às demandas da sociedade. Está capacitado para projetar, construir, manter, operar, otimizar e ampliar plantas de processos químicos, bioquímicos ou físicos, liderar e supervisionar equipes de trabalho. Deve ser capaz de conduzir estudos de viabilidade técnico-econômica e impacto ambiental, executar e fiscalizar obras e serviços técnicos, efetuar vistorias, perícias e avaliações, emitindo laudos e pareceres. Pode atuar em ensino e pesquisa científica e tecnológica, contribuindo para a geração de conhecimento e formação de recursos humanos.


Recent Submissions

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    Avaliação de uma estação de tratamento de esgoto no município de Camaçari
    (UCSal - Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2024-12-04) Santos, Amanda Carmo; Batista, Ericka; Santos, Gyovanna Dias dos; Conceição, Wagner Almeida Monaco (Orient.)
    O abastecimento urbano é fundamental para a gestão sustentável dos recursos hídricos, incluindo o fornecimento de água potável e o esgotamento sanitário, que têm como objetivo controlar a contaminação ambiental e proteger a saúde pública. Este estudo avalia a eficiência de uma Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto (ETE) que utiliza o processo biológico de lodo ativado, localizada em um complexo residencial no município de Camaçari, Bahia. A análise compara os dados projetados com os obtidos na ETE, considerando parâmetros como pH, DBO, DQO, OD e SST, e verifica a conformidade com as resoluções do Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente (CONAMA) no 430/2011 e no 357/2005, referentes aos padrões de lançamento de efluentes e classificação de corpos d’água. As coletas foram realizadas mensalmente, em três pontos da estação, no período de fevereiro a outubro de 2024 e os resultados foram comparados aos relatórios mensais fornecidos pelo complexo residencial, evidenciando o efluente bruto, efluente tratado, eficiência de remoção, corpo receptor e tanque de aeração. Os resultados dos parâmetros analisados no canal artificial que deságua no Rio Joanes indicaram que os valores de pH e DBO apresentaram-se em conformidade com a Resolução vigente e os demais quesitos necessitam de ajustes pequenos para alcançar os parâmetros. Portanto, esta pesquisa auxilia na compreensão do desempenho e nas possibilidades de melhoria do sistema de tratamento de efluentes, o que reforça a importância de ações contínuas de monitoramento e melhoria para assegurar a eficiência do tratamento, a proteção ambiental, além de promover a sustentabilidade no uso dos recursos hídricos.
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    Os impactos da indústria 4.0 e da 5a era da qualidade na indústria e no mercado consumidor brasileiro
    (UCSal - Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2024-06-19) Mello, Andreza Maria Andrade de; Trierweiler, Larissa Fonseca; Lima, Yasmin Lopes de; Bastos, Luciane Conceição Silva (Orient.)
    A evolução da indústria e da qualidade tem caminhado lado a lado desde o início da Era industrial. Com esse contexto em mente, foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica e um estudo de caso para analisar e investigar os impactos da Indústria 4.0 e da Quinta Era da Qualidade na indústria e no mercado consumidor brasileiro. O objetivo foi compreender como essas transformações tecnológicas e de gestão influenciam a eficiência, a qualidade, a competitividade e a satisfação dos clientes, visando fornecer orientações para práticas empresariais mais eficazes e o desenvolvimento de carreiras. Os resultados da análise temática e de conteúdo mostraram-se alinhados com a literatura, destacando a importância da Indústria 4.0 e da Quinta Era da Qualidade no contexto brasileiro e ressaltando a necessidade de adaptação e integração das tecnologias nos processos industriais e na gestão da qualidade. Os desafios identificados, como altos custos, resistência às mudanças e escassez de mão de obra qualificada, são obstáculos que precisam ser superados com estratégias eficazes. Além disso, foi evidenciado o impacto positivo dessas transformações no mercado consumidor, sublinhando a importância das certificações de qualidade. Entre as sugestões desenvolvidas, destaca-se a implementação de soluções tecnológicas como a Internet das Coisas, sistemas ciber-físicos e inteligência artificial para otimizar a produção e fortalecer a gestão da qualidade, consolidando um ambiente industrial mais competitivo e alinhado com as demandas do mercado global, desta forma, as empresas brasileiras podem não apenas melhorar suas operações internas, mas também aumentar sua competitividade no cenário internacional, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento econômico e tecnológico do país.
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    Avaliação do desempenho econômico na implantação da recompressão mecânica de vapor em uma coluna de destilação para a separação de aldeídos
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-12-20) Jucene, Maria Eduarda Araújo; Rios, Agostinho Souza; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Conceição, Wagner Almeida Mônaco; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Neves, Sérgio Bello; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    The high rate of energy consumption arising from the distillation operations is one of the great motivators of this project, so using methods that introduce cleaner and more conscientious engineering is the main objective. The object of study for this work is a distillation column implanted in the Industrial Pole in the municipality of Camaçari-BA, with the purpose of obtaining a top current rich in isobutyraldehyde and a bottom current in n-butyraldehyde, this column demands a high consumption of steam, as a consequence of a high reflux ratio to perform the required separation. The scheme adopted to make this column technically viable is a mechanical recompression of the top steam, which is a process that aims to return the energy once initially deposited in the column. For this solution, a compressor is installed at the top of the column, which at temperature and pressure levels allow the transfer of condensing heat to the column boiler, avoiding being rejected in the cooling tower. This article presents the computer simulation of two systems, one representing the real operational data of the process and the other including the coupling of mechanical steam recompression, where a comparative analysis was performed, in order to check if there is an economic feasibility in the process.
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    Estudo sobre a dinâmica de fluidos computacional
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-06-17) Cunha Júnior, Antonio Alves da; Conceição, Wagner Almeida Mônaco; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Lima, Paula Gois de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Neves, Sérgio Bello; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    Computational fluid dynamics, or CFD, is a field that deals with the numerical simulation of fluid flows, heat transfer and related phenomena, being able to calculate how operating conditions - temperature, pressure and transport properties - in three-dimensional or two-dimensional space. In this way, there is a possibility of verifying problems that a traditional simulation cannot map because it works with average parameters. This study aims to explore the CFD and the equations involved, with a demonstration and a comparison between the k-epsilon model and the SST (shear stress transport turbulence) using the ANSYS-CFD (FLUENT) tool - student license end to a mixing Tee where enter a hot fluid (water) at a temperature of 363.15 K and a velocity of 3 m / s and a cold fluid (water) at a temperature of 283.15 K and a velocity of 5 m / s thus doing a study on the behavior of the mixture. To evaluate the proposed solution, a comparison of temperature and velocity parameters was performed for each model and for each change made to the geometry. It was found that the k-e and SST model converged with a criterion of 10e-6, the two models well represent the water flow along the mixing Tee, although the SST model better represents the velocity vectors along the pipeline, despite from this the two models demonstrated confidence in the temperature variation and the fluid displacement through the mixer. The worlds made on the geometry have a satisfactory answer, thus making sure that the software is an interesting tool to perform simulations involving fluid flow.
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    Bioplástico: alternativa viável e sustentável ao plástico convencional
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-12-13) Azevedo, Larissa Guimarães; Neves, Sérgio Bello; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Conceição, Wagner Almeida Mônaco; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Hayashi, Júlio César; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    Conventional plastics are macromolecular polymers, synthesized from fossil raw material, petroleum. It is part of the third generation of the petrochemical chain and from the outset has many benefits to society, mainly due to its high resistance. This feature becomes unfavorable when there is insufficient solid waste management, making it one of the main pollutants of fauna and flora with proven toxicity, as well as representing economic and potential waste. The need for innovation in the polymer area has been creating space for the conscious development of new materials, such as bioplastics, derived from renewable raw materials, presenting biodegradability and boasting a good marketing perspective although it costs, on average, twice the conventional plastic because it is a new technology of smaller scale. Brazil, which is the fourth largest producer of plastics moreover, recycles less than 5%, would have lower production costs of bioplastics than countries in Europe, the United States and China. The article aims to present the main bioplastics as alternatives to petrochemicals, in order to support the structuring of this new industry and perform the role of environmental awareness agent.
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    Revisão bibliográfica das principais tecnologias de captura do CO2
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-06-17) Souza, Juliana Sousa e; Neves, Sérgio Bello; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Conceição, Wagner Almeida Mônaco; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Mustafá, George de Souza; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    The annual global emissions of greenhouse gases have been growing substantially since 2016, a period in which there was a fall in these emissions. Of the total emissions of greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide (CO2) occupies the first place 74%, followed by methane (CH4) responsible for 17% and nitrous oxide (N2O), 6.2%, and fluorinated gases ( composed of HFCs, PFCs, SF6 and NF3) which represents 2% of global emissions and come from industrial processes. Currently, the world already lives with the consequences of climate change, resulting from the greenhouse effect, in view of this, more actions that may control these emissions, especially that of carbon dioxide, which is the gas that contributes the most to the greenhouse effect, be put into practice. CO2 capture is considered an important route for climate mitigation, there are four types of basic systems for CO2 capture, these can be subdivided into post-combustion, pre-combustion, combustion with oxygen and industrial process. There are several technologies for capturing CO2 from the combustion of fossil fuels in power generation plants. These mainly include chemical and physical absorption, adsorption, membranes, ionic liquids and cryogenic process. In the development of this work, the main CO2 capture technologies were discussed, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each one. The present work had as main objective to map and carry out a comparison between the main technologies for the capture of carbon dioxide (CO2) in industrial activity and in the generation of energy.
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    Metodologia para projeto de unidade de tratamento de efluente com estudo de caso
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-12-13) Santos, Jéssica Sousa dos; Conceição, Wagner Almeida Mônaco; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Neves, Sérgio Bello; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Hayashi, Júlio César; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    Water is among the natural resources most used by the population and industries. Studies and comparative analyses of consumption, availability and environmental impact have shown that in many parts of the world, it is impossible to consume water without it being subjected to appropriate treatments and that various emissions are polluted due to the negligent disposal of water after its use. More and more financial and technological investments are being safeguarded in order to achieve an adequate sanitary security and preservation of the environment. The industry in general, is characterized as one of the largest consumers of water and consequently, end up being the ones that generate more liquid effluents in their production process. Based on this premise, it is necessary to elaborate and study efficient projects and technologies that can guarantee the quality of this generated effluent, to ensure the quality of the receiving water body when this effluent is discarded and so that it complies with the standards required by Environmental Legislation. The objective of this work was to analyze an effluent generated by a given company, to characterize this effluent in order to verify its parameter in accordance with the environmental requirements available in the state of Bahia and, based on this analysis, to study the type of technology that should be used for this effluent in order to reduce the parameter present in this effluent so that it complies with the demanding standards to release it to the receiving body without causing environmental damage and public health.
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    Simulação dinâmica de uma coluna de destilação em uma unidade de produção de etanol hidratado
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-12-12) Cardoso, Lucas Oliveira; Neves, Sérgio Bello; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Mustafá, George de Souza; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Lima, Paula Gois de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    The Ethanol is characterized like a substance of wide applicability in the Brazil. Based on that, its possible to highlight hydrous ethanol, which is used as fuel for vehicles, the pharmaceutical industry, alcohol and beverages. However, the purification of hydrous ethanol becomes an important step for its applications. Therefore, for the development of hydrous ethanol purification a conventional distillation was used to physically separate miscible mixtures from each other. In order, to verify the dynamics of the distillation columns, Aspen Plus Dynamics was used to evaluate six control strategies and four tuning rules for three distillation columns, in order to verify the best strategy and apply to hydrous ethanol 92.5%, 93.6% and 94.6% by mass of ethanol, according to ANP. Thus, from the dynamic study using Aspen Plus Dynamics, it was possible to verify that the Ziegler-Nichols, Cohen Coon and ITAE methods showed good results, being similar, in which they chose to select the Ziegler-Nichols method. And among the control strategies, the double compositions presented better results to the disturbances performed in the flow and feed composition.
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    Estudo da viabilidade técnico- econômica para instalação de uma usina eólica na Bahia
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-12-17) Miranda, Vitória Rafaela Matos; Mustafá, George de Souza; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Conceição, Wagner Almeida Monaco; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Neves, Sérgio Bello; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    This Course Completion work aims to show the entire analysis made of a preliminary study of the technical and economic feasibility for installing a wind farm in Bahia. The main points related to the studies carried out will be demonstrated: Market, to identify which are the perspectives of consumption / market with the installation of the industry; Location, based on analysis of some criteria, will define the best location in terms of cost / benefit; Technical study that will select the main equipment necessary for the operation of the plant and its technical specifications and the Economic study that will be responsible for analyzing the economic viability of the business.
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    Levantamento experimental de dados de equilíbrio líquido-líquido através de uma metodologia gravimétrica
    (Universidade Católica de Salvador, 2018-12-18) Santos, Ivaniele Vieira; Neves, Sérgio Bello; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Conceição, Wagner Almeida Mônaco; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Neves, Sérgio Bello; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Conceição, Wagner Almeida Mônaco; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Marques, Celso Argolo Xavier; http://lattes.cnpq.br
    The study of liquid-liquid equilibrium is extremely important for planning and development of projects, as well as providing support for analysis and selection of unit operations and industry processes. The present work aims to develop a methodology for the data collection of liquid-liquid equilibrium from the density of mixtures of the ternary system, water-acetone-chloroform. The mass fractions of the three components were obtained by the liquid-liquid extraction experimental method, as well as the density, which was determined by the gravimetric method of pycnometry. Through the modeling developed, it was possible to calculate the molar volume of excess of each binary, from the component composition data, to predict the density of the ternary mixture. In the same way, the substances present in the solution could be quantified by the experimental density. Through the analysis of the results obtained throughout the work, the modeling developed proved to be quite effective
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    Utilização da metodologia pdca na indústria: estudos de caso
    (Universidade Católica de Salvador, 2018-12-11) Ramos, Anne Caroline Dias Coelho; Conceição, Wagner Almeida Mônaco; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Conceição, Wagner Almeida Mônaco; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Neves, Sérgio Bello; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Sampaio Filho, Wilton Correia
    Every area or industrial segment has several specific processes along its production chain. With the demand of market for even better products in terms of quality and cost, PDCA emerges as a cyclical tool that has four management steps and is very useful, delivering very positive results when applied. Analyzing the use of PDCA as a fundamental part to achieve better results in different areas, it can be said that the methodology continues to be increasingly used and consolidated over the years. As a segment of study, it was proposed the effort in researches in different cases of application of the methodology in industries of several segments. The study was realized, from a literature review, for theoretical background associated with field research in order to prove the effectiveness of the application of the tool as one of the ways to obtain improvement continuous around its processes through the solution of problems. The accomplishment of this exploratory research had the intention to confirm the systematic of use of the methodology and its auxiliary tools in search of satisfactory results for the area of chemical engineering, and of the industries of the most diverse sectors described in this article
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    Simulação dinâmica de uma coluna de destilação
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-06-19) Santos, Natália Silva dos; Neves, Sérgio Bello; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Conceição, Wagner Almeida Mônaco; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Mustafa, George de Souza; http://lattes.cnpq.br
    The study showed the importance of dynamic simulation to understand the reactions of process variables when a system disturbance occurs. For the study, it was necessary to design the distillation column in Aspen Plus, including the choice of the best thermodynamic model, material balance, minimum and design reflux ratios, number of theoretical and real plates, feed plate and sensitive plate study. For the analysis of the control strategies, we used Aspen Plus Dynamics, showing itself to be a great tool for operator training. The strategy of direct composition control with cascade presented better results to the perturbations, which were made in the feed flow, ensuring that the distillate stream was obtained within ANP specifications