O sistema de adoção brasileiro e suas adversidades
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
The research aimed to carry out a study on adoption in Brazil, showing what are the main problems faced by the adoption system in the legal and social aspect, which makes the number of children available to adopt so high. The study will take place through official data from the National Council of Justice (CNJ) and
the National Adoption Register (CNA) and the Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA), analyzing the changes brought about by the adoption law (Law 13.509), the comparison between the profile sought by adopters and the profile of children available for adoption and finally comment on new adoption modalities such as
same-sex couples, on the lack of interest in adopting older children and adolescents (late adoption) and on adoption International.
Adoção tardia, Estatuto da criança e do adolescente, Cadastro nacional de adoção, Late adoption, Child and adolescent status, National adoption register