Trote universitário: quando a brincadeira se torna um crime
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
Starting from the research question: when college hazing becomes criminal
who can be held responsible? This article will deal with the consequences of the
application of violent university hazing, which in some cases leads to death. The
discussion is part of the literature review and analysis of documents relevant to the
subject, making a case study on the situation of the medical student of the University
of São Paulo (USP), Edison Tsung Chi Hsueh, who drowned while applying a prank
call. Thus, the general objective is to identify who should be held responsible when
hazing becomes a crime, depending on their participation or omission. As specific
objectives, it intends initially to study the concrete case mentioned above and,
immediately after discussing civil and criminal accountability in the specific case, in the
light of the Brazilian legal system. The results indicate that, in cases where hazing
turns into a crime, veteran students, responsible for the application, may be held liable
in the civil, criminal and, depending on the university, administrative, depending on the
damage caused. However, the university will also be able to answer judicially for the omission in the face of the action of hazers because it has an obligation to watch over
the integrity of all its students.
Trote universitário, Crime, Responsabilidade civil, Responsabilidade penal, College hazing, Civil responsibility, Criminal responsibility