O cárcere como instrumento necropolítico do estado brasileiro: o genocídio da população negra através do encarceramento dos corpos negros femininos

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Universidade Católica do Salvador


This article aims to analyze actions and omissions of the Brazilian State in relation to the black population that generate a marginalization of its community and has justified the incarceration and consequent process of genocide of these women and their communities. Verifying the insufficiency of biopolitics before the colonial process and the slave heritage that produces control through a necropolitic causing social paralysis, marginalization and death of black women. The legal justification of this article lies in the need to observe the rights that are initially denied to these women, and how the lack of these can subject them to marginalization and consequently lead them to incarceration. The research method used to produce the article is qualitative. The technique used was documentary analysis and the literature review relevant to the theme. It is a reflection derived from debates still in progress and, therefore, without claiming conclusive answers and miraculous solutions. The social importance of this research is to make one think about the theme in order to contribute to the realization of the rights of these women predestined to marginalization and think of another model of society.



Necropolítica, Mulheres negras, Encarceramento feminino, Genocídio, Necropolitics, Black women, Female incarceration, Genocide
