Gestão de óleos lubrificantes usados ou contaminados - OLUC: regulamentação e medidas de gerenciamento sustentável

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Universidade Católica do Salvador


Due to the increase in volume produced from Used or Contaminated Lubricating Oils - OLUC there is a growing concern with this hazardous waste and the probable changes resulting from its disposal in the environment. The objective of this article is to describe technical and normative aspects about the management of OLUC, contemplating national and international regulations, with a view to consolidating educational measures that promote knowledge about their social and environmental impacts. The method used in the research contemplates a systematized bibliographical review of this industrial waste. The collected data were extracted between the years 2003 to 2018, from scientific databases with the identification of resolutions, laws, technical norms and technical-scientific documents. Thus, the results point to the literature on the topic, the adoption of treatment technologies for OLUC waste by generators and the importance of the integrated management and monitoring of these wastes in order to minimize impacts on the environment and in health. It is considered important that information on the damages resulting from the inadequate management of OLUC be given through Environmental Education, in accordance with the Sustainable Development Objectives of the Agenda 2030, in all social spaces, as this is a strong ally in the dissemination and awareness of the population as to the harmful impacts that the product may have on the nature and health of ecosystems in this and future generations.



Gerenciamento, Óleo lubrificante usado ou contaminado, Alternativas tecnológicas, Legislação, Management, Used or contaminated lubricating oil, Technological alternatives, Legislation, Dissertação - artigo
