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    Pontos de entrega voluntária (PEVs): contribuições para as Cooperativas de Catadores de Materiais Recicláveis de Salvador
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-04-16) Santana, Joilson Santos; Marchi, Cristina Maria Dacach Fernandez; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Peres, Marcelo César Lima; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    This research is the result of the walk of a collector of recyclable materials from the city of Salvador and a socio-environmental activist in his construction as a researcher who, through bridges, exchanges of knowledge, a lot of effort and dedication, joined the master's degree with the desire to contribute even more with the development of the work of the Recyclable Material Collectors' Cooperatives (CCMR). The general objective of this research is to investigate the contribution of Voluntary Delivery Points (PEVs) to the CCMR of Salvador, and its specific objectives are descriptive, through a narrative review of literature and qualiquantitative, investigative and exploratory nature, through questionnaires and semies- tructured interviews. Therefore, we sought to interrelate the findings and verify the contributions of the PEVs to these enterprises based on the opinion of the managers of Cooperes and Cooperlix, cooperatives there are partners of the Selective Collection Program (PCS) of Salvador. It is important to highlight that, during the execution of this research, adjustments and changes were made in the objectives defined, from the exchanges with colleagues and professors during the classes, and from the meetings in the Gamdes/UCSAL research group, which made it possible to improve the trajectory of this study. Thus, two chapters are presented in this master's thesis represented by two scientific articles: the first one aimed at investigating how citizens' actions, existing standards and public equipment made available by the State for the disposal of solid waste contribute to the strengthening of the work of CCMR, aiming to propose a new flowchart of the PCS of Salvador, to contribute to improving the work of these enterprises; the second article is a study to identify the contributions of the PEVs to the CCMR of Salvador based on the opinion of the managers of two enterprises that receive the materials of these PEVs.
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    O povo ao poder: reconhecendo o potencial do desenvolvimento socioambiental através da participação popular no Município de São Felipe - Ba
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2018-08-24) Lefrançois, Patrícia Carvalho; Alencar, Cristina Maria Macêdo de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Porciuncula, Débora Carol Luz da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Rebouças, Fádia dos Reis; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    Recognizing that each person has a great knowledge of the environment and that the power to participate in the decisions that affect the possibilities of projects and planning are built for each society, based on their demands and realities, thus meeting the popular demands. It demonstrates possibilities for ways to make feasible the strengthening of popular participation and, thus, promote socio-environmental development from the local level through creative and peculiar solutions to combat a serious environmental crisis, as in Agenda 2030, the latest to global first model for development, said sustainable. The opportunities for the socio-environmental development of São Felipe-BA were examined through the strengthening of the participation of research on municipal environmental policies. A publication on the approach of the mechanisms of popular participation in the environmental policies of the municipality; with an implementation of Agenda 2030 at the local level; and indicated opportunities for expansion of popular participation to promote social and environmental development. The methodology used consisted of searches on the websites of the UN, IBGE, the National Confederation of Municipalities, the official website of the city hall and local news sites that could contribute documents and information about the municipality from a socio-environmental perspective, Agenda 2030 and participation. popular, as well as field research with unstructured participation. The results pointed to the need to adapt the goals and indicators of Agenda 2030 to the reality of São Felipe and demonstrated that a popular participation is still associated with issues of absence or low participation. It is recommended to increase popular participation, especially from the promotion of citizen education and a culture of participation that takes into account the knowledge of the communities involved.
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    Resíduos domiciliares com características de resíduos de serviços de saúde: novo paradigma de categorização e manejo
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-12-10) Portela, Ana Paula Sousa Cardoso; Arruda, Maricília Conceição Cardoso de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Marchi, Cristina Maria Dacach Fernandez; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Carvalho, Silvana Sá de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Brandão, Carlos Augusto Lucas; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    In Brazil the PNRS no 12.305/2010 and the RDC no 222/2018 aim to standardize the management of health care waste (HCW) at the national level but with limitations to include household waste with characteristics of health care waste (HHW) still without legal visibility in the categorization of risk groups and which, on the contrary, gained notoriety with COVID-19. OBJECTIVE. The general objective of this empirical research was to analyze the management of the HCW based on the current legislation and to propose a bill, which contemplates the HCW as a new categorization of waste. METHODOLOGY. In the theoretical contribution a bibliographical and documentary research was carried out with primary legislative sources and publications with empirical data of solid urban waste (SUW) and HCW to substantiate the accurate relationship between theory and technical-scientific practice of waste. The empirical research on HHW considered assumptions and requirements for on-the-job work, applying a questionnaire, in an online form, addressing aspects such as: production, management, disposal and disposal of HHW in normal and pandemic situations, legitimized with data from specific jurisprudence and results in publications in the area, for the adequacy of legal and scientific instruments. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS. The empirical research had a sample consisting of 230 interviewed; involved 15 of the 27 brazilian federative units; covered 50 cities and had representatives of respondents in all geopolitical regions of Brazil. For 52.17% (n=120) of individuals the HHW started to be generated in their homes by the pandemic, while 47.83% (n=110) reported that they were already responsible for the generation of this waste. In the management of the HCW, 56.54% of the participants indicated the pandemic as the main responsible for the generation of waste; 41.30% (n=95) of the individuals reported knowing and adopting the referred HCW security protocols; 26.09% (n=60) reported having heard about it; 16.52% said they knew it but did not execute it and 16.09% (n=37) never heard of it. In the packaging and disposal of the HHW, 43.48% (n=100) claimed to dispose of the HHW together with the common garbage in the bathroom and/or general household garbage without treatment/disinfection and 23.48% (n=54) in bags separate garbage, but without any identification; 47.83% (n=110) of the interviewees claimed to dispose of the HHW together with ordinary garbage, in the same bag/packaging and only 5.65% (n=13) reported delivering this waste to health facilities. The results showed a significant number of individuals who claimed to know the HCW management protocols, but, on the contrary, perform the final disposal without treatment, along with the other waste for the public collection service. CONCLUSION. It is possible to infer the population's unpreparedness in understanding and conceptions about waste management at home, compromising the innocuous characteristic of SUW, with the aggregate contingent of waste similar to that produced in health services, being necessary the recognition of the various origins of the generation of household waste, with its HSW characteristics, giving legal visibility to the Brazilian legal regulation. As a product of this field research, a new categorization of solid residues was proposed the Home Health Waste - HHW, with an emphasis on the inclusion of the regulation within the PNRS no 12.305/2010 and the RDC no 222/2018 by for proposing a Law’s project.
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    O uso da água em escolas públicas em Salvador
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-04-17) Santana, Eliana Pereira; Tinôco, Moacir Santos; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Alva, Juan Carlos Rossi; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Leite, Alex Sandro; http://lattes.cnpq.br
    This research shows the functionality of the new teaching methodologies, as a guiding base of knowledge and pedagogical proposals in the knowledge of Environmental Education (EA). The devices of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) were submitted as mediators of the investigation on the water problem, in what consists the use, the lack and the waste in the State school Dantas Júnior. The work was sequenced by actions developed by students, teachers, employees and partners, being characterized as action / participatory research, noting the engagement of the researcher. The group's projection was to diagnose the causes, consequences and attenuations of water dynamics in the Teaching Unit (EU), confronting with the guidelines established in the Universal Declaration of Water Rights and in the National Basic Sanitation Plan, which legislate the prerogative of this resource Natural. The mitigating and interventional proposals of a socio-educational nature will later be shared on the social networks of the INSTRAGAN application, to encourage changes in attitudes to promote individual knowledge for collective improvements.
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    Gestão de risco alimentar de Salvador por meio de uma política tributária indutora da agroecologia
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-07-29) Souza, Luciana Oliveira de; Portella, André Alves; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Tinôco, Moacir Santos; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Monteiro, Augusto de Oliveira; http://lattes.cnpq.br
    This dissertation aims to promote the management of food risk in Salvador through a tax policy to encourage agroecology. In order to carry out this study, the dignity of the human person in risk society was carried out, in an interdisciplinary investigation, using the hypothetical-deductive method, type of qualitative research, content analysis method, field research technique and indirect documentation, covering bibliographic and documentary research. Thus, the Law Project 182/2017 stands out in the Federal Senate, which institutes the National Policy of Urban Agriculture and which, in art. 2nd, item VI, informs about organic food production in cities and in art. 3rd indicates the need for urban agriculture to be provided for in the legal, tax and financial institutes contained in the municipal planning, especially in the master plans or in the general guidelines for the use and occupation of urban land in order to cover the local interest and guarantee the function property and city. In this sense, its article 4 warns that urban agriculture must be planned and executed in a decentralized way and integrated with social and urban development policies and implemented through cooperation between the Union, States and Municipalities. Thus, in line with the City Statute, it reinforces the importance of using tax and financial mechanisms to encourage Brazilian urban agriculture. Therefore, in line with the provisions of the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, the City Statute, the Organic Law of the Municipality of Salvador and the Organic Agriculture Policy, it is proposed to amend the Master Plan for Urban Development of the Municipality of Salvador in 2016 (PDDU - 2016), in order to include provisions of law that allow the use of tax mechanisms to encourage agroecology in order to mitigate food risk in Salvador.
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    O indivíduo no ciclo de sustentabilidade da Cooperativa dos Badameiros de Feira de Santana – COOBAFS
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-09-25) Dias, Ronaldo Mendes; Rêgo, Filipe Ferreira de Almeida; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Marchi, Cristina Maria Dacach Fernandez; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Matheus, Maria do Socorro da Costa São; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
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    Identidade quilombola: o potencial para a conservação da Mata Atlântica na Comunidade de Cordoaria
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-03-23) Souza, Sandro Araújo de; Alencar, Cristina Maria Macêdo de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Porciúncula, Débora Carol Luz da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Suzuki, Júlio César; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    The remaining quilombo communities can be defined as attributable ethnic groups, whose socially significant identity, signs and emblems are attributed by the social subjects themselves. For the application of constitutional rights, from art. 68 of the Transitional Constitutional Provisions Act (ADCT), the self-attribution of a basic identity is usually determined by its common origin and training in the slave or post-slavery system, naming individuals, groups or populations in the current context, to confer them territorial rights and reinvent new social figures. In the Remaining Community of Quilombola Cordoaria, we sought to identify attributes of this basic identity, relating it to the cultural and productive activities developed in the daily lives of its social subjects, which may have potential for the conservation of the Atlantic Forest biome. Thus, it was questioned: is ethnic identity a fundamental mediation for the conservation of the Atlantic Forest in the links established between rural and urban metropolitan life in the Remaining Quilombola de Cordoaria Community? Having as reference, the immersion of this rural community in the dynamics of the Metropolitan Region of Salvador with a strong influence of the urban-industrial, a qualitative research was carried out, through the collection of the quilombolas' life narratives regarding the attributes of identity affirmation and their relationship with the natural environment, which resulted in a relational narrative, articulating the material aspects consistent with traditional activities in the daily lives of these social subjects, as well as the immaterial aspects related to their cultural practices. In this case, the general objective of the research was to relate attributes of quilombola identity with potential activities for the conservation of the Atlantic Forest, in the links established between the rural and urban way of life, in the Community of Cordoaria, from the 1980s to the present day. For this, memory emerges as a fundamental instrument to reconstruct the quilombola's way of life, in time and space. The oral history method was used to capture and describe the values ​​that quilombolas revealed in their sociability practices and in their relationship with the nature in which they live. In order to apprehend and dialectically relate two epistemologically implicated references in the narrative (quilombola identity and conservation of the Atlantic Forest), it was necessary to seek subsidies in Ethnoecology, in Social History, as well as mapping the use of land and interpreting data through content analysis. In this sense, elements of community organization were detected to face local socio-environmental problems, mainly related to the maintenance of an ethno-cultural identity, as well as to the guarantee of basic resources for the quality of life (basic sanitation services, education, health, investment and assistance to rural activities, management of natural resources). It was concluded that in the Remaining Community of Quilombo da Cordoaria rurality emerges associated with the maintenance of a quilombola identity, with a strong interaction between rural traditions and urban-industrial modernity, by immersion in the metropolitan dynamics, in which the quilombola way of life form potential attributes for the conservation of the Atlantic Forest biome.
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    Educação, riscos e vulnerabilidades socioambientais
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-04-07) Gomes Neto, Osvaldo José de Souza; Peres, Marcelo César Lima; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Giudíce, Dante Severo; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Oliveira, Clélia Nobre de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    This work is divided into two chapters in the form of articles in addition to the general introduction and final consideration.This integrative review aims to analyze Brazilian scientific productions with the theme: education, risks and social and environmental vulnerabilities in urban periphery, aiming to analyze the approaches and actions in environmental education as a contribution to mitigate the social and environmental risks and vulnerabilities in these communities. Researches were extracted from the Google Scholar databases and CAPES portal from 2009 to 2019. A total of 16 papers were selected to compose the corpus of this article after the processes of inclusion and exclusion in the development of the proposed methodology. The study made it possible to survey works that address education and social and environmental vulnerabilities in an integrated manner among the descriptors that were developed nationwide in the specified period. Studies have pointed out the issue in question which has been developed initially driven by the change in the civil defense code in April 2012, with work mostly carried out by civil defense technicians in communities and schools with project actions, lectures, distribution of pamphlets and workshops, but with an inarticulate process of construction with teachers, institutions and communities. There are also smaller actions done by the teachers to empower the community, which has occurred in a timely and individual manner focused on the discipline of geography and science, requiring a leap for projects that are interdisciplinary which involve all components in the performance and in the construction of the process. The second chapter aimed to identify the social and Environmental vulnerabilities and risks to which students of Dom Avelar Brandão Villela school inserted in Fazenda Grande do Retiro can be submitted, aiming to propose actions in education in the community and stimulate structuring governmental actions in the region.For the methodological development it was proposed to identify vulnerabilities and risks through primary data with questionnaires to students of Dom Avelar B. Villela School, photomagnetic image and secondary data acquired from organs such as IBGE, CONDER and IPEIA. The results show that the area has a high index of social vulnerability, with an enthroned area, without vegetation, polluted river, large volume of waste that provides favorable conditions for disease-bearing animals. The population is vulnerable and susceptible to risks that have materialized in environmental disasters. The work in environmental education with prevention actions in DRR becomes pertinent, so that these communities can act in an attempt to mitigate the vulnerabilities and risks that are subjected and that has intensified with each passing year.
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    Oficina de reciclagem de papel como instrumento para despertar a consciência ambiental em alunos de uma escola estadual de Arembepe, Camaçari, Bahia
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-12-20) Sousa, Cleudes Pereira de; Tinôco, Moacir Santos; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Alva, Juan Carlos Rossi; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Benati, Kátia Regina; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Araújo, Helisângela Acris Borges; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    The present work is part of the discussions about the selective collection in the school environment, aiming at the recycling of the used paper, in Substrate for seed germination and consequent preservation of the environment. Its justification is justified by the need to raise awareness among students and the local community regarding the reuse of waste produced in the school. The general objective was to use the discarded paper in the institution to make students aware of the solid waste issue, thus generating a critical and protective posture in defense of the planet. The project was applied in classes of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years of high school and EJA (Youth and Adult Education), through various activities such as questionnaires, recycling of paper with addition of seeds in the final phase, seeking a change of behavior in relation to the destination of all paper used, using this theme as pedagogical strategy to insert the Environmental Consciousness as an educational praxis, seeking greater integration with the environment, through responsible actions and committed to the well-being of the planet. The research developed is of the bibliographic type, of a qualitative nature, developed through a bibliographical survey of works that deal with the technology of transformation of office paper in soil for seed germination. The research took place between February 2017 and February 2019 and was organized through the Thematic Content Analysis Technique. During this period several readings on the subject were made, which made possible an intense reflection on our attitude towards the universe. It is concluded that from this work carried out at the Nadir Copque school, transforming the office paper into soil for seed germination, will bring to the community a full awareness of the amount of solid waste that is produced in the surroundings, as well as the urgent need to give them a more rational and ecologically adequate destination.
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    Educação ambiental no Projeto Político Pedagógico: um caminho para promover a sustentabilidade
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-03-27) Carmo, Arlinda Maria Rodrigues do; Benati, Kátia Regina; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Peres, Marcelo Cézar Lima; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Cardoso, Maria de Fátima; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    The present work presents the result of a study related to the insertion of Environmental Education in schools, aiming to minimize the production of residues and the promotion of sustainability focusing on the Political Pedagogical Project. The study was developed following the precepts of a qualitative study through a literature review with the general objective of analyzing and developing Environmental Education activities aimed at building attitudes that collaborate for sustainable development. Therefore, in order to achieve this goal, it sought to understand the concepts about sustainability, in order to understand the importance of minimizing the production of waste as well as analyzing how teachers and managers evaluate the need to work on this topic in school in order to contribute to the formation of individuals with environmental responsibility and finally to identify elements that can collaborate for the insertion or strengthening of Environmental Education through the Political Pedagogical Project. It is observed that Environmental Education is a comprehensive field of research and has been seen as a necessary science for the formation of cotizemos focused on the conservai-o of the environment. While the Pedagogical Political Project is a possible resource to mediate this action in formal educai-o institutions. It is concluded, then, that the link between the referred nuclei: Environmental Education and Political Pedagogical Project become promising resources to intermediate educational processes, contributing to the inclusion or strengthening of Environmental Education in schools. The limitations found stand out as to the precariousness in training by the subjects involved in the process of guiding teaching and learning, making it challenging for Environmental Education to carry out innovative work in transforming habits in favor of the environment.
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    Interferência do uso e ocupação do solo urbano na qualidade ambiental do Rio Sapato, Lauro de Freitas, Bahia
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-03-31) Silva, Verônica Gonçalves da Conceição; Alva, Juan Carlos Rossi; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Perez, Marcelo Cézar Lima; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Santos, Miguel Cerqueira dos Santos; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
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    Monumento Natural dos Cânions do Subaé: mapeamento dos recursos naturais, do uso do solo e proposta de ampliação
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-04-08) Ávila, Marcelo Torres; Carvalho, Silvana Sá de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Giudice, Dante Severo; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Benati, Kátia Regina; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Rocha, Washington de Jesus Sant'Anna da Franca; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    The Subaé Canyons Natural Monument (Brazil) is a protected area located in the state of Bahia, recognized for its canyons, waterfalls and natural resources. The objective of this work was to carry out, with the support of geotechnologies, a mapping that involved the natural resources and land use of the Natural Monument, in order to present a proposal to expand its current limits. The methodology used geospatial data from a Digital Elevation Model, orbital images and fieldwork data. Satellite images dated January 2019 were used to create a thematic map of vegetation cover and land use generated by photointerpretation. The results revealed that the majority of the territory of the Natural Monument is occupied by regenerating forests, however in a very fragmented way with significant degraded areas. By means of local geomorphometric derivations from a Digital Elevation Model, the relief, the unknown hydrography and the permanent preservation areas of the conservation unit were mapped in a Geographic Information System. The results supported the suggestion of new limits, considered more appropriate for the Natural Monument. It was concluded that there is an imperative need to discipline the land use of the unit, with the purpose of preserving the remaining natural resources and enabling the recovery of degraded areas. The proposal for the new limits is presented in a more coherent way with the objectives that justified the creation of the Natural Monument in 2006. The information collected by this research presents contributions to the management plan that until then was not developed.
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    Subalternização socioambiental por determinantes ambientais de hidroelétricas brasileiras: quando condicionantes se sobrepõem ao licenciamento
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-03-27) Fontes, Alessandra Renata Freitas; Giudice, Dante Severo; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Alencar, Cristina Maria Macêdo de; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Cunha Júnior, Dirley da; http://lattes.cnpq.br
    This dissertation consists of three chapters in article format, in addition to the general introduction and final considerations. The first chapter aims to contextualize the problem from a systematic review of the methodology used to project the behavior of the demand for electricity in Brazil, especially with regard to the creation of hydroelectric dams. The second chapter, on the other hand, aims to analyze whether in the institution of such energy policies, the existing protections are applied in the national and international legal framework, which guarantees the right of consultation to the impacted indigenous peoples. The third chapter aims to investigate how the pressures made by certain economic groups have created a tendency for environmental licensing in Brazil, with regard to the creation of energy policies. For the study, it starts from the juridical-sociological aspect and uses the theoretical research methodology, based on a bibliographic review based on documents that evidence the exposed theme. As a result of the research, it is inferred that there is an asymmetry of power in the construction of such enterprises, which results in a social appropriation of socio-environmental conflicts, insofar as the use of environmental spaces occurs to the detriment of the use that other social segments make of the territory. . In addition, it is clear that despite the legal restrictions imposed, it is possible to note the express disregard for the fundamental rights of indigenous peoples in the environmental licensing process, in the implementation of hydroelectric projects. In addition, there is evidence of the preparation of legal and political apparatus, with the objective of circumventing the regulatory restrictions imposed by Brazilian environmental legislation regarding the environmental licensing of hydroelectric plants and dams in the Brazilian territory. That said, it is concluded that there is a trend in environmental licensing in Brazil, that is, the environmental feasibility of projects has been relying more and more on environmental conditions and less on the assessment of environmental feasibility.
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    Reutilização de resíduos de construção e demolição: proposta de fluxo de materiais para desconstrução de estruturas industrializadas de concreto
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-03-27) Bohana, Mirela Carvalho Ribeiro; Fernandez, José Luiz Borja; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Marchi, Cristina Maria Dacach Fernandez; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Alva, Juan Carlos Rossi; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Mateus, Maria do Socorro Costa São; http://lattes.cnpq.br
    The civil construction sector needs to incorporate the concept of sustainability into its practices, since it is responsible for the consumption of approximately 50% of raw materials extracted from nature and generates more than 45 million tons of construction and demolition waste per year. Small constructions, renovations and demolitions are the biggest waste generators. Deconstruction activity emerges as a sustainable possibility for the civil construction sector, since it allows the reuse of elements as a structure for new construction. Thus, the present study aimed to analyze the techniques and practices of deconstruction in locus, having as reference the bibliographic and documentary research, as well as the guidelines of PNRS / Law nº 12.305 / 2010 and of Resolution nº 307/2002 of CONAMA. The field research carried out pointed to the importance of deconstruction activity as a way of guaranteeing the objectives of the relevant Laws and Resolutions, with regard to the hierarchy of waste management, reducing the sending of RCD to inert landfills. Based on the theoretical framework and the object researched in the field, the present work suggests a flow of materials and guidelines for the deconstruction of industrialized concrete structures, in order to guide professionals in the planning, execution and control of this service.
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    Educação ambiental: plantas medicinais e sagradas na ruralidade metropolitana de Salvador - Bahia [documentário] disponível em: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRh1YO96DXY
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-12-11) Sales, Adalgisa Dorotea; Alencar, Cristina Maria Macêdo de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Benati, Kátia Regina; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Magalhães, Selma Reis; http://lattes.cnpq.br
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    Educação ambiental: plantas medicinais e sagradas na ruralidade metropolitana em Salvador-Ba
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-12-11) Sales, Adalgisa Dorotea; Alencar, Cristina Maria Macêdo de; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Benati, Kátia Regina; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Magalhães, Selma Reis; http://lattes.cnpq.br
    This research was based on the pedagogical practice of the researcher teaching Philosophy and Sociology in High School at the State College Edvaldo Brandão Correia, Cajazeiras IV, Salvador-BA, where since 2011 he sought in his classes philosophically contextualize the importance of activities with the environment. Maintaining this line of action research started the Professional Master's degree in Environmental Planning, this time involving the students of the 6th year of elementary school, the parents/ guardians, teachers and employees of the State College Luiz Fernando Macedo Costa, located in Cajazeiras VII, in the same city. Thus arises the guiding question: How to stimulate the cultivation of medicinal plants from species of the Atlantic Forest Biome, as a pedagogical process of environmental education? The proposal of master's research involving plant cultivation practice in urban school community aimed to encourage individuals to seek a reunion with nature, turn to what they learned from their ancestors and help revitalize the space that live. To recognize the local reality, some territorial information about the region where schools are inserted and also visits to institutions that already participated in actions to conserve the local environment. It was observed that rural practices and the urban environment were present where it is possible to visualize a large forest that surrounds the population density of the neighborhood of Cajazeiras; however, it has been found that forest areas are being decimated for new constructions. The general objective of the research was to enable a socio-environmental rescue of the cultivation of medicinal and sacred plants of the Atlantic Forest biome as a pedagogical process of environmental education. The specific objectives of the research, of an investigative and interventional nature, meet the character of pedagogical action research. Raise the subjects aware of the need for conservation and replanting medicinal and/or sacred plants in order to prevent them from being eradicated in the Region of Cajazeiras, Salvador-Bahia. Two scientific articles are presented: the first reports pedagogical practice with adult high school students and a dip in the religiosity of African matrix covering the sacred leaves. The second with underage students from elementary school, where the action research was carried out with medicinal plants. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used to collect and process data. Because it is a professional master's degree, it has as its final product a documentary video where it approaches the whole theme of the research.
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    Atuação do Conselho Gestor na gestão ambiental do Parque Metropolitano de Pituaçu
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2017-12-11) Santos, Solange Pinheiro; Tinôco, Moacir Santos; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0433618384031837; Alencar, Cristina Maria Macêdo de; Palavizini, Roseane Simões
    This study aims to contribute for the reflection on environmental participative management on the Conservation Unit and its applicability as one of the planning instruments, the Management Council. The Metropolitan Park of Pituaçu, object of study of the dissertation, as a Conservation Unit, is classified in the category of sustainable use as Urban Park through the State System of Conservation Unit, established by legal means in 2006. Participatory environmental management in UC is consolidated by the area planning, management plan and an advisory or deliberative council. The relevance of the collegiate in Conservation Unit is in the social participation in the management and decentralization in governmental decisions. The research investigates the contributions that have been made, and the results obtained in the consolidation of a democratic, sustainable and participative management with the institutionalization of social participation in the management, if this is forming social and environmental relevant policies directed to the Unit and the surrounding communities in the exercise of the Collegiate The methodology applied in the data collection procedure was obtained through the reading and interpretation of the meetings minutes from the board, gathering the necessary information in the case study. Collection of data specific to the unit with the objective of analyzing the conflicts, the problematic political partner of the Metropolitan Park of Pituaçu and its institutional complexity; Carrying out bibliographical research, documentary analysis, description of successive legislative acts in the consolidation of the Park's areas, and consulting the laws and decrees regarding public policies of the state in the environment and urban green areas. As the final product of the research, a socio- environmental action plan was established; Based on the diagnosis built with the interpretation and analysis of reports, minutes of council meetings and minutes of meetings with the surrounding community, transmitting the collective will of the social actorsinvolved.
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    Desafios e perspectivas das questões ambientais na Escola Municipal Almirante Ernesto de Mourão Sá no município de Salvador-BA
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-05-28) Lima, José Carlos; Peres, Marcelo César Lima; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1614799098745668; Santos, José Jackson Reis dos; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5204751662721268; Benati, Kátia Regina; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1202722851013635
    Environmental education is a vehicle for the achievement, within the empirical, of the State of Environmental Law, after all citizens with access to information have better conditions to act on society, to articulate their ideas and act on the causes of your interest. The present work aims to demonstrate how аѕ environmental practices can be an excellent pedagogical tool for critical education in the elementary school.Using the proposed cross-discipline developed through generating themes extracted from the analysis of the constitution and the laws specific environmental, students will be able to become agents of social-environmental transformation. Through environmental education critical and transdisciplinary approach to art.225 of the CF/88, the Law 9.394/1996 LDB and the Law 9.795/1999 ԛuе establishes the National Policy of Environmental Education are analyzed and compared demonstrating the opportunities of the pedagogical work in different ways.Pointing always to social transformation, environmental justice and critical positioning of the learners in front of the true relations of power involved in environmental issues. Through the research and literature review was conducted a bibliographical survey, having as objective assess the importance of Environmental Education in the implementation of agenda 21 in the Escola Municipal Almirante Ernesto de Mourão Sá through environmental practices. Finally, through the results obtained it was possible to assess the importance of Environmental Education in the implementation of agenda 21 in the Escola Municipal Almirante Ernesto de Mourão Sá through the environmental practices it was found that the conceptions produced in the school reviewed focuses, as a priority, the arising environmental problems more closely integrated to a strand of the local environment, based on the traditional theme such as noise, waste, deforestation, and pollution of air and water, although not separate to the effectiveness
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    Perdas de alimentos nas centrais de abastecimento do Brasil: e a importância da hierarquia de recuperação dos alimentos
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-03-25) Mendes, Dielson Bomfim; Marchi, Cristina Maria Dacach Fernandez; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7266933374095729; Tinoco, Moacir Santos; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0433618384031837; Pimentel, Patrícia Carla Barbosa; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2048574640647443
    In the food supply chain, losses turn around 35% of production is a global problem, and consequently comes the famine and the generation of waste. This percentage of food can suppress hunger, which has social, environmental and economic implications. In the world 800 million people go hungry and in Brazil they are 3.8% of the population, that is to say, approximately seven million people. With the losses are generated waste that has a negative effect with greater consequences when it is not recycled and destined to open air, dumps or landfills, the latter has limited useful life. The objective of this study is to quantify the losses of plant foods in the Brazilian Food Supply Centers to disseminate these figures and propose the use of the Food Recovery Hierarchy. The methodology used in the research, performed with the primary data collection through field research, with the application of a questionnaire with the heads of the Ceasas affiliated to the Brazilian Association of Ceasas - Abracen. The secondary data were obtained with the bibliographical and documentary research, based on scientific articles, dissertations, theses and legal and normative instruments. The classification, the steps, the methodological design and the variables and the indicators of the research are also presented. The results showed that the inorganic and organic residues represent, on average, 1.25% of the losses in the Ceasas surveyed. Of this percentage, 0.78% on average are organic waste. Regarding losses of plant foods, an average of 0.98% was recorded, although this percentage is low, representing a loss equivalent to 105 thousand tons of food per year. It is concluded that the Food Recovery Hierarchy in line with the ODS of Agenda 2030, proposed in this study, can be used to reduce the current impacts caused by food losses and waste generation in the Brazilian Food Supply Centers, whose numbers have been demonstrated and analyzed here, considering that the application of the Hierarchy is a possible solution to this problem.