O Programa Bolsa Família, a moralização da pobreza no Brasil e a mulher beneficiária
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
This study analyses sociopolitical meaning of moralization of families in poverty
situation based on the foundations of the Brazilian current transfer program,
Programa Bolsa Família (PBF), and the repercussion of this process under a gender
perspective. Developed in three sections this dissertation begins with depuration of
the conceptual notion of moralization as well as its correlation with two social justice
matrices: the first concerning to income redistribution for overcoming social
inequities, and the second resulting of acknowledging women as holders of the
support income to the families. The first chapter presents the process of constitution
and the structure of a poverty moralizing policy in Brazil based on unfolding of two
thesis that serve as its substrate: the negative income tax and the human capital
theory. The PBF’s peculiarities are privileged objects of the second chapter. In this
section, public policies were considered as devices that hold and create a
subjectification space for the beneficiaries, and are grounded on control techniques
to those poor families that request State aid for subsistence. At third section, it is
examined how such device of public policy to fight poverty incorporates and
institutionalizes gender patterns that ends up reinforcing the association of women to
the traditional motherhood role as an expression of their moral and public
Programa bolsa família, Bolsa família program, Moralização, Current transfer program, Família, Moralization, Pobreza, Family, Mulher, Poverty woman