A vitalidade da duplicata frente às novas tecnologias
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
This work addresses the evolution of the duplicate within the scenarios experienced by
Brazilian trade until it reaches its current form, the book-entry form, which is a faithful
reflection of the new commercial requirements. Credit note is considered the necessary
document for the exercise of the literal and autonomous right mentioned therein. This
definition was registered by Vivante, in 1929, in his work “Trattato di Diritto
Commerciale” and, it is from it that we are able to extract the principi logical basis of all
exchange matter. The controversy is generated by different interpretations of the expression
“necessary document”, thus leading to doubts about the vitality of the virtual duplicate as a
credit security.
Duplicata, Título de crédito, Documento, Cartularidade, Duplicate, Credit title, Document, Cartularity