A proteção integral de crianças e adolescentes nos processos litigiosos de guarda, separação e divórcio (um estudo das 7ª E 8ª Varas de Família e 1ª Vara da Infância e Juventude da Comarca de Salvador, ano de 2007)
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
In the Families studies, specially on “Families and Contemporany Society” it indentifies the Integer Protection on Family Law and Infanto-Junivel Law , specially on parentals demands on Divorces, marriage ruptures and parential guards for children and teenagers by Law Operators and by members of the areas. It has as objective to search the occuuers of the integer protection on the contemporany tryals on Families' Courts, which has as object chioldren and teenagers having as reaseach method, the inquire on Seventh and Eigth Courts Halls and the First Youth and Teenagers Court in Salvador district, by the random reading of their process (motions) about Parental (Guard, Separation and Divorce). It explains over the relation among Integer Protection and the perfil of contemporany family. Avaluates it's apliccation in all modes of family's reconstruction with a purpose of investigation trought family law and infant and juvenile law and multiple subjectives which may contribute to minimize all the impacts for the suffering for children and teenagers in marriage rupture traials, observing the social, personal and economics events in originary family and it's future arranjes.
Família, Sociedade, Direito, Proteção, Infância, Family, Society, Law, Protection, Childhood