Jovens e cidadãos? uma análise sobre o princípio de cidadania ativa no ProJovem Urbano
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Universidade Catolica de Salvador
Faced with social inequalities evident throughout the history of Brazil, many young people are treated as a "social problem" to be contained or assisted, repeating a negative codification, not considering themselves as citizen-subjects. From the discussion on the construction of citizenship in Brazilian policies, this study aims to analyze the concept of active citizenship in the ideals of the National Youth Inclusion (Urban ProJovem - PJU) and the discussion on the scope and limits of this, as well as its practical, to conceive it as part of a Public Policy for Youth (PPJs) in this country. The aim is thus to analyze the actions developed in PJU (planning, implementation and evaluation) from 2008 to 2011, so that young people recognize their rights and duties, seek to know their rights and know how to recognize the rights of others, like members belonging to a community. This study aims to make a documental analysis referring to different moments of the program Urban ProJovem having as basic field a reading of documentation on the PJU itself, considering the literature related to youth policies and citizenship. For this analysis, so further, we turn to some semi-structured interviews with young people who participated in the PJU in Salvador in 2010. The data were organized and described through the analysis of discourse (LEFEVRE; LEFEVRE, 2005; GILL, 2002) establishing categories according to the research objectives. From this analysis it appears to lag the concepts presented in the planning of this program what occurred in practice, contributing to the actual emptying of citizenship concept because of the plurality of definitions. It is also noticed a difficulty of the young people interviewed in recognize themselves as active-subjects belonging to the Brazilian society and responsible for the transformation of reality where they are inserted, which contributes to the questioning of the coherence between these actions of the PJU and of the PPJs. Thus, this study aims to contribute to the growth of publications on the recognition of young people as citizens, by enabling to identify possible points of discussion for the development of policies aimed at the development of the principle of active citizenship and contribute to building academic- scientific and social on Brazilian youths.
Juventude - políticas públicas, Youth, Cidadania ativa, Active citizenship, ProJovem urbano, Urban projovem