O centro de pesquisa da biodiversidade do colégio militar de Salvador: espaço para promoção da educação ambiental

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Universidade Católica do Salvador


The shown socio-environmental crisis indicates an urgent need of paradigm breaking. The way by which western societies have established themselves, based upon unleashed consumption of goods and extreme pillage of ecosystem services, leads to a belief that the solution for all this mismatch is to educate individuals. This aim consider a new political-educational dimension, radical and life-changing, conceived as Environmental Education. Such must develop new moral values, planetary ethics, critical awareness and global citizenship. This dissertative research paper aims to demonstrate the importance of the Military School of Salvador’s Biodiversity Research Center and its related educative practices, as a place to the promotion of Enviromental Education; show a brief historic of World´s and Brazilian´s Enviromental Educationts educative; structure the history/memory of Biodversity Research Center Sargento Albino (BRCSA); and also to identify Military School of Salvador students and teacher´s concepts of enviroment and Enviromental Education. For this purpose methodological procedures have been chosen based on documentary research of nature exploring and qualitative type, structured as a case study. The dissertation is organized in three sections, that discusses since worldwide and Brazil’s Environmental Education historical, going through the System Military School of Brazil and then Military School of Salvador, followed by the analysis of documents that allowed collecting data for building a historical of what it is so called Biodiversity Research Center Sargento Albino. The application of semi-structured questionnaires was necessary to students and teachers of the elective subject Environmental Education, part of the double shift Secondary Ecucation Curriculum Matrix. From the analysis of the results it was concluded, regarding environment and Environmental Education concepts that permeate the school community ideology and enable the elaboration and execution of upcoming projects in Environmental Education, further aligned with the National Politics of Environmental Education. Finally, it was shown the final product of the dissertation of a Professional Masters: a requalification and action proposal to the Biodiversity Research Center Sargento Albino, implemented on a letter of intent aiming this area´s conservation – the empiric field of the research; and also on a interdisciplinary didatic sequency pursuiting Tbilisi´s ideology.



Colégio militar de Salvador, Educação ambiental, Centro de pesquisa da biodiversidade do colégio militar de Salvador, Military school of Salvador, Environmental education, Military school of Salvador’s biodiversity research center
