Qualidade do atendimento educacional especializado: a instituição, o estudante e sua família
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Universidade Catolica de Salvador
The present research had the objective of evaluating the quality of the Specialized Educational Assistance service, conducting a field study in the two Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology located in the state of Bahia, considering the students' perception of special education, their families, coordinators of the NAPNE and other professionals who worked with these students. The methodology of the study involved interviews with 8 (eight) visually impaired students, the mother of one of these students and 6 (six) professionals. We also carried out studies of the institutional documents that are available and participant observation of the researched sites. In field research and data analysis, three dimensions were observed: 1) the structure of physical and human resources; 2) Specialized Educational Assistance implementation and implementation process; 3) the results in the areas of permanence and performance of the students assisted. It was observed that there are good points and faults in the service provision of Specialized Educational Assistance, and the absence of qualified professionals is one of the main problems in the school inclusion of these students. It was concluded that the permanence of the students in the institution is associated to the type of family accompaniment - despite the low participation of the families within the school environment - and to the constant attempt of the professionals who work in NAPNE to make possible the success of the assisted students. Alongside this, the fact that the IF offer medium and higher level professional education makes the existence of ESA teachers insufficient to meet the demands of the students.
Atendimento educacional especializado, Instituto federal de educação, Deficiência visual, Inclusão, Educação, Família, Specialized educational assistance, Federal institute of education, Visual impairment, Inclusion, Education, Family