Teoria do adimplemento substancial: a fronteira entre o limite do credor de resolver o contrato e o ônus excessivo na extinção da relação contratual
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
This article explains the possibility of applying the Doctrine of Substantial
Performance as an alternative to avoid a claim of breach of contract, delimiting which types of
default that allow the breach of the legal transaction, a limit that must not be broken, under
penalty of excessive burden. For this reason, the general objective will be to analyze how the
limitation to the creditor's right to contractual termination is configured, under the terms of the
Civil Code of 2002, in view of the application of the substantial performance. The methodology
used was a literature review and document analysis. So in analise to jurisprudence and doctrine,
the function of substantial performance became evident as a mechanism to avoid excesses in the
exercise of the prerogative of the creditor to claim breach of contract, limiting the resolution to
essential default.
Teoria do adimplemento substancial, Resolução contratual, Inadimplemento, Ônus excessivo, Substantial performance, Breach of contract, Default, Burden