Avaliação da composição de espécies de macrófitas aquáticas em ecossistemaslênticos perenes do Parque das Dunas, Salvador - BA

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Universidade Catolica de Salvador


The aquatic continental ecosystems represent a system still not well known and quite threatened by human action, especially the coastal areas which suffer from industrial, touristic and real estate speculation. The aquatic macrophytes are essential to the balance of the aquatic environment, because they support a large number of organisms and they respond well to different environmental gradients that are formed laterally along the spring. Considering the depletion of the water quality of hydric sources, especially in lentic ecosystems of the north coast of Bahia state, is increasing dramatically due to human actions. This study aims to evaluate the species composition of aquatic macrophytes in lentic ecosystems of Parque das Dunas, the last urban source of the dune ecosystem, lagoons and resting areas in Brazil. The floristic survey and collecting water samples were performed in all perennial ponds of the park between the months of November and December 2015. The floristic survey and water samples collecting were performed in all perennial ponds of the park between the months of November and December 2015. Five visits were made to the park, with eight hours per day, totalizing 40 hours of field activities. Forty species belonging to thirty-five genera and twenty-four families were recorded in the floristic inventory, and also the analysis of 8 physicochemical parameters. This work can verify the list of parameters to the species of aquatic plants, especially those related to organic matter, resulting in the identification of an advanced process of Eleocharis interstincta infestation at Lagoa do Jacaré and an initial process at Lagoa do Junco. These results are extremely important data that will help support programs to environmental planning and management of aquatic macrophytes in the park, and in flooded areas of restinga ecosystem. Beyond that, it was made the field guide of aquatic macrophytes of Parque das Dunas, which will have usability all along the north coast of Bahia state, once the species contained therein have a wide geographical distribution and the region has a large deficiency of specific materials for aquatic flora, thus the guide will assist environmental licensing work, management plans and recovery of water bodies.



Macrófitas aquáticas, Parâmetros físico-químicos, Lagoas, Parque das dunas, Restinga, Aquatic macrophytes, physical and chemical parameters, Lagoons
