A aplicabilidade do estatuto de defesa do torcedor na segurança em eventos futebolísticos
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Universidade Catolica de Salvador
The present scientific article seeks to explain the function on the Power of Police exercised by the civil policemen and military policemen of guaranteeing the public safety, being this duty of the State in function of the society, these possess rights and it is responsibility of all of maintaining the social order, in agreement with the article 144 of the Federal Constitution of 1988. Therefore, the Power of Police is an activity of the public administration directors on behalf of guaranteeing the supremacy of the public interest, in other words, initially that responsibility cannot be transferred for another entity, but that there is possibility of other responsible one to exist. The implication of the bad installment of that service carts insecurity to the individuals of the calmly move through the soccer stadiums are them fans, employees, soccer players or integral of the technical commission, mainly around the area where is located the place of the event. This absence of safety generates consequences us which you/they can put in risk the physical integrity of all, to the regional classic example, that if they turn to each more violent season among the organized supporters, as well as the invasions in field to attack the players, as well as throwing objects or for simply to damage the club instigator’s patrimony. In Salvador we have the famous classic from Bahia known nationally as BAxVI, argued by the respective teams Esporte Clube Bahia and the Esporte Clube Vitória, that they are accompanied by the officials supporters TOB (Torcida Organizada Bamor) and TUI (Torcida Uniformizada os Imbatíveis), these always to enter in confrontation before, during and after the departure and they are allied and rivals the other national clubs.
Poder de Polícia, Segurança, Futebol, Estádio, Responsabilidade, Security, Police Power, Soccer, Stadium, Responsibility