Assassinatos de homossexuais e travestis: estado, sociedade e famílias em face da violência homo(trans)fóbica

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Universidade Católica do Salvador


This dissertation have as objective to analyze "State, society and families" in front of the homicides that victimized homosexuals (all the sexes) and transvestites in the city of Feira de Santana-BA between 2001 e 2010. Inserted in the line of research Family and Society (of the Program Postgraduate Family in Contemporary Society of the UCSAL) the study makes use of a variety of sources such as: criminal cases, the local press and transcribed interviews with officials of police departments. Making some areas as references for the construction of the subject-object-problem in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities. Among the possible options which can indicate meticulous ways and variegate the interfaces between the lived, the narrated and the described in violence cases against these social and sex groups. The strand adopted in this study is qualitative nature and rests on four pillars: review of literature on the subject in question (theoretical part), raising the issue of relevant legislation (laws, decrees, resolutions, ordinances - legal research writing) interviews and document analysis with newspapers and criminal cases (empirical research occupying to multiple representations and social spheres involved when the act of violence and unprotection of social subjects). The research shows that although the causes LGBTTT - lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and other (the) transgender (the) - compose the agenda (national, international) and be part of the social movement fighting protection and effectiveness Human Rights (including by the families of murder victims) the advances were not enough to make visible the most varied and punishable violations of the right to life itself. Unprotection, dignities vilified and unavailability of access to justice to make the direction concluding this work. In fact, although a broad time frame (one decade) analysis of cases that have won media (and some that have become criminal cases), we can see from the crossing of different fonts, maintaining the invisibility of impunity, the stigmata and, finally, the intricate network of prejudice and discrimination that affect homosexuals, transvestites and their families.



Família, Violência, Justiça, Gênero, Sexualidade, Families, Violences, Justices, Genders, Sexualities
