Mães da resistência: histórias de vida de jovens mães do Movimento dos Sem Teto da Bahia

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Universidade Católica do Salvador


As women that have their trajectory marked by a pregnancy in the adolescence entwine between militancy and maternity, in the moment that they go to public to claim demands of the private? Inserted in the Program of Post-graduation in Family in the Contemporary Society, in the line of research Family and Society, the research listened with profundity of the experiences of ten young mothers that participated of the Movement of the homeless of Bahia (Movimento dos sem teto da Bahia - MSTB), in a way to understand as the woman as human being, mother and campaigner is crossed. Our objective is represent the histories of lives and everyday experiences of the women that were mothers in the adolescence , emphasizing characteristics as their experiences with their sexualities; the continuity and the ruptures in their biographies; the participation in the MSTB; the social nets built. We are going to analyze these young think in the pregnancy against a movement marked for the itinerancy, their familiar relationships and militants, the experience, the representations contained of a relation between individual and social movement that are detached in this process, their expectations around of participations and changes social-affective produced for the gestation. So, we use the history of life as technique. Before, we traced a way covered by MSTB, its fight, demands and flags and we analyzed, at the end, the family relations constituted after the event.



Família, Movimento dos sem teto da Bahia, Maternidade, Movimentos sociais - Bahia, MSTB, Families, Gender, Youth, Maternities, Social movement - Bahia
