O discurso jusfundamental da cidadania efetiva da mulher: da transição do plano teórico-jurídico ao plano prático-efetivo

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Universidade Catolica de Salvador


The present thesis is the result of a study carried out a long time ago, ever since undergraduation. Its object of analysis is the actualization of women's citizenship. Its main goal was to analyze the rights already obtained theoretically and those that have been actualized in the present days, demonstrating the status of women's citizenship. To achieve this goal, support was sought in theorists who discuss the categories of citizenship, gender inequalities and women's rights. A hypothesis was set in order to guide the required studies. The hypothesis was that gender inequalities still keep the vast majority of women in a situation of inferiority and discrimination against patriarchal values, and that although equality between men and women is already guaranteed by the Brazilian Federal Constitution and other Brazilian laws, the full apllication of their citizenship rights, in the civil, political and social spheres, is still impeded. Thus, it has been demonstrated that women still remain in a sort of "second class citizenship." The research was of a mixed qualitative and quantitative nature. In order to reach its goals, a careful analysis of official documents, legislation and doctrine was carried out, and, soon after, data were collected regarding the actualization of the women's rights up to the present day. After articulating the theoretical knowledge, the analysis of the documents and the presentation of the data, it was possible to confirm the underlying hypotheses. Thus, it was confirmed that, through analyzing the historical trajectory of women going through several phases, demonstrating the inferiority, discrimination and prejudice towards them, fruit of a still existing patriarchal society, going through the struggles in the reach of their rights, presenting the rights already achieved at the civil, political and social levels, and finally, by bringing the data that identify which of these rights have already been fulfilled, it has been confirmed that up to now women enjoy a sort of "sub-citizenship".



gênero, genre, direitos, Rights, cidadania, citizenship, discriminação, discrimination, efetivação, Effectiveness, mulheres, women
