A implementação dos Planos Locais de Habitação de Interesse Social (PLHIS) nos municípios baianos: o caso de Camacã/ BA

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Universidade Catolica de Salvador


The promulgation of the “City Statute” (Estatuto da Cidade – Law n. 10.257/2001), the creation of the Ministry of Cities and the institutionalization of the National System on Social Interest Housing, which defined norms and procedures for the regulation and implementation of the new National Housing Policy initiated the consolidation of a new regulatory parameter on the policy of social interest housing in Brazil. In this context, and aiming to develop the planning of actions in the local sphere, the federal government has stimulated the towns to the elaboration of the respective Local Planning on Social Interest Housing (PLHIS, acronym in Portuguese), from a methodology created by the Ministry of Cities, which is based on the social participation. This work aims to analyze the recent process of formulation of the PLHIS, and has as case study the PLHIS of Camacã/BA – a town which has a population of 31.472 inhabitants, located in southern Bahia. It evaluates this planning instrument, in the sphere of the housing issue, in relation to the suitability of the methodology posed to small towns, as to the proper management of the problems related to the socio-spatial inequality and, above all, to the housing issue in the town. In order to accomplish this goal, it is used a methodology which focuses in quantitative and qualitative research. In the first case, it comprised the bibliographic and data research in official statistical agencies, as well as the analysis of legislation and official documents. With respect to the qualitative research, interviews were conducted with the local Secretariats which are involved with the policies on social interest housing, the local experts and representatives of the pro-housing social movements. It aimed to identify, in a broad perspective, the understanding and participation of these individuals regarding the process of formulation of PHLIS in the town. The results show that it is still inadequate the structure of Camacã to deal with the requirements defined by the PLHIS. Besides, the popular participation has to be enlarged so that provided answers actually match the population needs. It is also noted that it is essential a real commitment of the public power so that PLHIS can become a tool which really deals with the housing problems in Brazil. In this way, it is aimed to contribute and provide important subsidies to the understanding about the process of elaboration and implantation of the Local Planning on Social Interest in small towns in Brazil and, specially, in Bahia



Políticas públicas, Políticas sociais, Habitação de interesse social, Planejamento habitacional, Public policy, Social policies, Housing planning, Social interest housing
