Avaliação dos impactos socioambientais gerados pelo Programa Luz Para Todos em comunidades do Baixo Sul da Bahia

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Universidade Católica de Salvador


Human activities depend on energy to improve the quality of life. So much so that the United Nations (UN) has included access to energy, in its most varied sources, as one of the Sustainable Development Objectives (ODS). Goal 7 provides for a goal by 2030 to ensure universal, reliable, sustainable, modern and affordable access to energy for all (UNDP, 2015). Brazil advances in this objective through the Program of Universalization of the Electric Assistance "Light for All" (LPT). The present study sought to evaluate the environmental impacts after the implementation of electricity distribution networks in the rural communities of the Southern Lowlands Identity Territory (LIT) served by the LPT in Bahia, aiming to guide the environmental actions during the project and the implementation of the networks power. This dissertation presents the case study, with 08 localities served by the networks and inserted in the rural area of the Southern Lowlands. The main economic activity of the communities served by the above energy networks is agriculture, predominantly small and medium sized private properties (sites and farms), with various crops and subsistence crops. There was suppression of vegetation in 37.5% of the points surveyed, in 100% of these points it was verified that the width of the easement range was within the specified measure (up to 15 meters). At the points surveyed the intervention on the vegetation affected small fragments of native vegetation scattered and diffuse along the lines of the energy lines surveyed. Regarding the construction residues generated in the works, no remains of construction materials, debris remains and other materials discarded in the easement range were found, but remains of woody material were located in 21% of the points surveyed. This study points directly to the relation between access to energy and the improvement in quality of life of most of those assisted by the LPT Program, mainly in the basic benefits such as access to home appliances, information through television and cell phones and negative environmental impacts. being minimized with environmental management actions carried out by Coelba.



Eletrificação rural, Acesso à energia elétrica, Programa luz para todos, Impacto ambiental, Gestão ambiental, Rural electrification, Access to energy, Light for all program, Environmental impact, Environmental management
