Filhos de pais separados: experiências de enfrentamento da nova composição familiar
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Universidade Catolica de Salvador
The present study aims to study, from specific cases, such as the children of couples who separated experienced the separation of their parents. This is a study that is not intended exhaustive, however aims to launch another look at the issue of separation, in this case experienced by children. The research presents a point of view to qualitative methodology with regard to the characteristics of the social network of family and personal relationships that respondents experienced. We opted for semi structured research because of the possibility and flexibility to adapt to the context of the respondent, or their reactions permit a more comprehensive data collection. Data collection was conducted between the years2012 to 2013, the city of Alagoinhas, located in the state of Bahia, was attended by7 women daughters of divorced parents, aged 25and 33 years, responding to a questionnaire of questions closed and open. The results a represented in part in the form of record of the speech of individuals surveyed, so you can have the emotional dimension of context that experienced-the family environment. The research results that bring as many children realize a positive separation. Likewise, the redefinition of its place in the family can be a positive experience: the case of those who have experience da new family composition, becoming step children and /stepbrothers, from the emergence of a new relationship which currently live his father or mother. The study shows that children of divorced parents do not always play with negativity, and can understand positively the separation and the emergence of a new family constitution.
Família, Separação, Reconstituição familiar, Family, Separation, Reconstitution family