Tráfico de mulheres para fins de exploração sexual: análise dos principais institutos dos direitos humanos em uma perspectiva internacional
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
This article deals with the main human rights institutes regarding the
prevention, protection and rescue of women victims of trafficking for the purpose of
commercial sexual exploitation. Therefore, the qualitative-descriptive and
hypothetical-deductive scientific research method will be used. In view of the analysis of
the above mentioned institutes, it is evident that they are not sufficient to suppress the
trafficking network, revealing that such an intense social, moral and legal anomaly
cannot be extinguished only using international frameworks, being necessary an active
conduct in the social and cultural sphere of societies.
Tráfico de mulheres, Direitos humanos, Direito internacional, Exploração sexual, Normas internacionais, Traffic of women, Human rights, International right, Sexual exploitation, International standards