Repercussões da depressão pós-parto no vínculo mãe-bebê
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Universidade Católica de Salvador
Postpartum depression is defined as an episode that occurs in the first four weeks postpartum, and may present episodes of anxiety and irritability in the mother, leading to negative interference in the mother-baby bond. The affective interaction in this period is quite critical, negatively reflecting the development of the baby causing conduct disorders, aggressiveness, cognitive and attention deficit. Objective: To analyze the implications of postpartum depression on the mother-baby bond. Methodology: The present study is an integrative review, carried out through consultation of databases Virtual Health Library (VHL), Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo). Results: The research was formed by a sample of 17 articles, being published from 2009 to 2018, all of them addressing aspects related to the repercussions of postpartum depression on the mother-baby bond. Final considerations: Postpartum depression has a multifactorial etiology, which can have negative consequences on the quality of mother-infant interaction and on the mother's ability to protect, welcome and stimulate her baby; such implications may negatively affect the child's emotional, social, and cognitive development
Depressão pós-parto, Relação mãe-filho, Saúde da mulher, Postpartum depression, Mother-child relationship, Momen's health