O silêncio social e jurídico sobre a violência doméstica contra homens no Brasil
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
The present article aims to investigate the social and legal silence about
domestic violence against men in Brazil. To achieve the research objective, the
systematic literature review methodology was used, which addressed historical
issues that contributed to the development and structuring of violence in society were
addressed. It also discusses how male chauvinism was consolidated in Brazil, from
the arrival of the Portuguese and the dominant religion at the time, Catholicism. In
addition, the roles that men and women “inherit” from society were presented and
how society’s imposition for them to fulfill them directly affects the perpetuation of
male chauvinism in society, where men must be masculine and women feminine. We
also included facts that demonstrate how men, victims of domestic violence, have been neglected, both by the State and by society, in addition to explaining the
reasons why those caused do not report or even do not realize that they are in
abusive abandonment. The results obtained revealed that due to the patriarchal
formation of society, judgments were developed that women are not, or should not
be, violent and aggressive, this behavior being only for men. The survey also
revealed that the lack of public policies, protection and justice for men killed by
domestic violence, is one of the main reasons for this scenario not to change.
Violência doméstica, Machismo, Lei Maria da Penha, Violência, Domestic violence, Male chauvinism, Maria da Penha Law, Violence