Monumento Natural dos Cânions do Subaé: mapeamento dos recursos naturais, do uso do solo e proposta de ampliação
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
The Subaé Canyons Natural Monument (Brazil) is a protected area located in the state of Bahia, recognized for its canyons, waterfalls and natural resources. The objective of this work was to carry out, with the support of geotechnologies, a mapping that involved the natural resources and land use of the Natural Monument, in order to present a proposal to expand its current limits. The methodology used geospatial data from a Digital Elevation Model, orbital images and fieldwork data. Satellite images dated
January 2019 were used to create a thematic map of vegetation cover and land use generated by photointerpretation. The results revealed that the majority of the territory of the Natural Monument is occupied by regenerating forests, however in a very fragmented way with significant degraded areas. By means of local geomorphometric derivations from a Digital Elevation Model, the relief, the unknown hydrography and the permanent preservation areas of the conservation unit were mapped in a
Geographic Information System. The results supported the suggestion of new limits, considered more appropriate for the Natural Monument. It was concluded that there is an imperative need to discipline the land use of the unit, with the purpose of preserving the remaining natural resources and enabling the recovery of degraded areas. The proposal for the new limits is presented in a more coherent way with the objectives that justified the creation of the Natural Monument in 2006. The information collected by this research presents contributions to the management plan that until then was not
Fotointerpretação, Geotecnologias, Modelo digital de elevação, Sistema de informações geográficas, Unidade de conservação, Photointerpretation, Geotechnologies, Digital elevation model, Geographic information system, Protected area