A prisão do direito: uma possível transformação do estado democrático na distopia “orwelliana”

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Universidade Catolica de Salvador


This work analyzes the Law as a way of changing the democratic state into a totalitarian state like that in the fictional story 1984 by George Orwell. By means of research a comparison was made with between Law and totalitarian state, including in it the concept of democide, thus showing that the latter could appear as a result of first due to the nature of the norms and, eventually, creating a parallel with the dystopic state of 1984. The aim of this article is to show that expansion of norms carries the seed of a totalitarian state which supresses the individual freedom: The Law as a prison.



1984, Direito, Democídio, Estado Totalitário, Liberdade, Democide, Freedom, Law, Totalitarian State
