A inspeção do trabalho e o combate ao trabalho escravo contemporâneo no Brasil

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Universidade Católica do Salvador


This dissertation analyzes the trajectory of the policy of combat against contemporary Brazilian slave labor, considering the social conflicts that guided the trajectory of this policy and identifying the advances and setbacks in facing this problem, with emphasis in the present day. This analysis begins with the discussion of the concept of con-temporary slave labor, contrasting its characteristics with the historical and classical manifestations of the phenomenon in question. It shows the perspective of the same in world and Brazilian terms, and then discusses how the policy to combat slave labor in Brazil has advances and backspace. Based on data analysis, academic studies and information collected in official systems, it discusses the actions of several bodies responsible for the actions related to the problem, detailing, in particular, the actions of the Labor Inspection and concluding that the fight against slave labor in Brazil of being a priority of the Brazilian government, in the face of several setbacks in legislation, politics and administrative repression.



Trabalho escravo, Escravidão contemporânea, Política de combate ao trabalho escravo, Slavery, Contemporary slavery, Policy to combat slave labor
