Pensando os direitos de cidadania dos/as estudantes africanos/as no Brasil: estudo de caso sobre a política de assistência estudantil na Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (2010-2017)
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Universidade Católica do Salvador
Our work aims to analyze the role played by the Student Assistance Policy at the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (UNILAB), in order to identify the extent to which the actions taken in the scope of this assistance, inserted in the Pro-Rectory of Affirmative and Student Policies (PROPAE), take into account the realization of the citizenship rights of African students in the university. Identify how integration and internationalization are seen by these professionals, as principles that guide the project of this university. For this, we conducted interviews with 16 students, and professionals who work on the implementation of student assistance policy at UNILAB. Our main interest was to identify, through the accounts of these students, their perceptions about the work carried out by PROPAE at UNILAB, taking into consideration the actions developed by this university Pro-Rectory. The work revealed that the Student Assistance Policy needs to reformulate its conception of social policy, taking into account an intersectional management, in which the voices of the UNILAB students may reflect their actions and projects of action.
Cidadania, Política de assistência estudantil, Racismo, Estudantes africanos, UNILAB, Citizenship, Student assistance policy, Racism, African students, UNILAB