Corpos enforcados, destroçados e desaparecidos: violência contra jovens negros em Salvador

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Universidade Católica do Salvador


This thesis had as object of study the nexus between racism and the forms of concretization of the manifestations of violence against young blacks in Brazil, resulting from a historical construction of racism in structural molds, characteristic in social relations in this society and structuring in our country. Why are young black people victimized in the most diverse ways, as a result of a set of political actions that give rise to violations that have or may have as their final outcome their death, from a genocidal perspective? This thesis, elaborated in a qualitative perspective, had as its initial question: why is the young black man victimized in two types of violence, apparently concretized in different ways: murders resulting from military police actions, as operators of the public security system, and lynchings practiced by the population? Thus, the objective was to understand how this racism structures the manifestations of violence in the country from the analysis of cases of murders of young blacks resulting from the actions of military police and lynchings by the population in the city of Salvador, Bahia. The empirical study was based on cases identified and reported by the media and social networks between 2012 and 2017, after a decade of implementing affirmative policies in Brazil. For this purpose, "qualitative and interpretative social research" was carried out, because it took as reference the most diverse methodological procedures of social sciences. Theoretical contributions and studies on the subject were incorporated, as well as documents, public policies and norms produced within the State and proposals and experiences of struggles of black movements and social organizations to combat violence against young blacks. The research technique is episodic narratives of life history, with the use of semi-structured interview. The subjects interviewed for the research were differentiated, according to the empirical fields, in order to achieve the purposes of the thesis. They composed four groups of interviewees: relatives of the young murders; relatives, neighbors and friends and acquaintances in cases of lynching; members and/or representatives of public institutions and instances of public authorities and members of black social movements. he data was analyzed from a constraining matrix of episodic narratives of life stories in both cases. From the analysis and interpretation of the data, we obtained a greater and better understanding of the theme, which enabled us to highlight the similarities and differences in the approach between the interlocutors, both in cases of police violence and in cases of lynching. We also note that racism has contributed on a daily basis to the permanence of the occurrences of violence in contemporary times, particularly and fatally affecting black bodies, as a result of the establishment of a strong police criminal state and a ruthless criminal justice system. It is possible to see not only a silence, but also indifference, in general, on the part of society in relation to the high numbers of deaths of young black people. Despite the silence and indifference, various forms of protest have also been identified, especially the movements of the mothers of victims of state violence. In Salvador, the protests in the neighborhoods and the graffiti, attracted attention. It is the art being used as a mobilizer, as a way to denounce racism, racial violence that has black bodies as its main targets.



Racismo estrutural, Violência, Jovem negro, Assassinato, Linchamento, Structural racism, Violence, Young black, Murder, Lynching
