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    Ir, estar e voltar: o acesso de pessoas com deficiência física ao lazer na Salvador contemporânea
    (UCSal, Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2024-02-27) Vasconcellos, Milton Silva de; Silva, Julie Sarah Lourau Alves da
    Esta tese procura analisar a efetividade do direito ao lazer para pessoas com deficiência no município de Salvador. Como foco do referencial teórico, foi adotada a discussão de superação do modelo biomédico de deficiência para o modelo social, com vistas a se alcançar uma perspectiva de deficiência como uma atributo da pessoa, harmonizando-se assim com uma visão atual de tratados internacionais sobre o tema que propicia a inclusão social destas pessoas. A tese tem como objetivo principal a aferição do nível de efetividade das políticas públicas voltadas a pessoas com deficiência física quanto ao direito de lazer no município de Salvador em espaços públicos e privados, levando em consideração para tanto a questão da acessibilidade. Para que se alcance tal desiderato, além dos documentos jurídicos referentes aos direitos desse grupo, também será ampliada a consulta à bibliografia sobre a questão do lazer na cidade por meio de uma pesquisa por meio da observação direta de espaços públicos e privados orientados para este fim com registros fotográficos e uma amostra de entrevistas com informantes qualificados. Ao final, refutou-se a hipótese de que os espaços privados de lazer oferecem melhores condições de acessibilidade que os espaços públicos: ambos espaços apresentam problemas de acessibilidade, sobretudo quando se considera que a aferição da acessibilidade não se dá apenas no espaço em si, mas considerando também o deslocamento de ida (condições de mobilidade e microacessibilidade) e condições de deslocamento de volta deste espaço (condições de acessibilidade urbanísticas). Confirmou-se contudo a hipótese de que para além das barreiras físicas, as barreiras econômicas também afetam o acesso destes espaços, consolidando assim a dimensão econômica da acessibilidade.
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    Ir, estar e voltar: o acesso das pessoas com deficiência física ao lazer na Salvador contemporânea
    (UCSal, Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2024-02-27) Vasconcellos, Milton Silva; Silva, Julie Sarah Lourau Alves da
    Esta tese procura analisar a efetividade do direito ao lazer para pessoas comvdeficiência no município de Salvador. Como foco do referencial teórico, foi adotada a discussão de superação do modelo biomédico de deficiência para o modelo social, com vistas a se alcançar uma perspectiva de deficiência como uma atributo da pessoa, harmonizando-se assim com uma visão atual de tratados internacionais sobre o tema que propicia a inclusão social destas pessoas. A tese tem como objetivo principal a aferição do nível de efetividade das políticas públicas voltadas a pessoas com deficiência física quanto ao direito de lazer no município de Salvador em espaços públicos e privados, levando em consideração para tanto a questão da acessibilidade. Para que se alcance tal desiderato, além dos documentos jurídicos referentes aos direitos desse grupo, também será ampliada a consulta à bibliografia sobre a questão do lazer na cidade por meio de uma pesquisa por meio da observação direta de espaços públicos e privados orientados para este fim com registros fotográficos e uma amostra de entrevistas com informantes qualificados. Ao final, refutou-se a hipótese de que os espaços privados de lazer oferecem melhores condições de acessibilidade que os espaços públicos: ambos espaços apresentam problemas de acessibilidade, sobretudo quando se considera que a aferição da acessibilidade não se dá apenas no espaço em si, mas considerando também o deslocamento de ida (condições de mobilidade e microacessibilidade) e condições de deslocamento de volta deste espaço (condições de acessibilidade urbanísticas). Confirmou-se contudo a hipótese de que para além das barreiras físicas, as barreiras econômicas também afetam o acesso destes espaços, consolidando assim a dimensão econômica da acessibilidade.
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    Limites da dispensa em massa à luz da principiologia e da jurisprudência: a necessidade de negociação sindical em busca de alternativas efetivadoras do direito ao trabalho
    (UCSal - Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2024-03-07) Budel, Diego Gabriel Oliveira; Cunha Júnior, Dirley da
    A presente pesquisa tem por mote compreender quais os limites jurídicos do exercício regular da dispensa coletiva no Brasil. Ao indagar no problema de pesquisa quais seriam esses limites jurídicos, o objetivo se direcionou para a análise dos direitos fundamentais como supedâneo dessa regulamentação. Diante da centralidade dos Direitos Fundamentais na ordem jurídica brasileira, uma breve análise das teorias que lastreiam o desenvolvimento desse sistema de direitos se tornou o primeiro objetivo específico. Outros objetivos específicos decorrem da natureza principiológica dessas normas, demandando a compreensão de maneira sistêmica da teoria dos princípios e o modo como essas normas são manejadas pela jurisprudência dos tribunais e como o tema é regulamentado na experiência estrangeira. Na presente revisão bibliográfica pautada pelo método qualitativo a partir de um referencial teórico interdisciplinar e dos hard cases sobre o tema julgados pelo TST e pelo STF foi possível encontrar como resultado do escorço heurístico a necessidade de aplicação do sistema de direitos fundamentais e dos princípios positivados no ordenamento jurídico, mormente na Constituição Federal para procedimentalizar o uso de ferramentas mitigadoras dos efeitos nocivos da dispensa coletiva para a sociedade. A partir da matriz principiológica do sistema de direitos fundamentais e da literalidade da constituição, considerou-se imprescindível a intervenção sindical, com vistas ao diálogo entre categorias econômica e profissional para evitar dispensas coletivas e preservar direitos. A conclusão da presente pesquisa adverte sobre os limites e dificuldades da negociação coletiva pelos sindicatos que se apresentaram no desenvolvimento, converge com a decisão do STF no Tema 638 de repercussão geral ao adotar o parâmetro da intervenção sindical na dispensa coletiva e propõe, para que negociações coletivas não sejam esvaziadas, o parâmetro do “dever de acomodação razoável”, além do princípio da boa-fé objetiva, este último já consagrado pela referida decisão da Suprema Corte brasileira.
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    Direito, racismo e a produção conflitiva do espaço urbano na cidade de Salvador: a atuação do Ministério Público e da Defensoria Pública estaduais na defesa do direito à moradia
    (UCSal - Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2023-09-28) Rolemberg, Sheila Santos; Silva, Julie Sarah Lourau Alves da
    Por meio dessa pesquisa analisamos como o Ministério Público do Estado da Bahia e a Defensoria Pública do Estado da Bahia, instituições essenciais à função jurisdicional do Estado, atuaram na defesa da garantia da moradia digna no caso de remoção forçada das Comunidades do Bairro da Paz, KM 17, Jardim Abaeté e Vila Romana durante a implementação do projeto de macrodrenagem dos Rios Jaguaripe e Mangabeira na cidade de Salvador/BA promovido pelo Governo do Estado da Bahia, tendo como panorama um quadro de inefetividade dos instrumentos de regularização fundiária e de ineficiência das respostas dadas pelo Poder Judiciário para atender às demandas sociais que visam a concretização do direito social fundamental à moradia. Por pretender aprender e apreender a realidade dando visibilidade aos grupos sociais que demandam do Estado a concretização do direito à moradia digna no percurso da investigação, concebendo que sua violação está diretamente atrelada à forma como as relações sociais se reproduzem conflitivamente dentro do espaço urbano marcado por segregação socioespacial racializada, recorremos ao trabalho de campo, utilizando como técnica a pesquisa bibliográfica triangulada com a observação participante e com a análise documental, adotando com estratégia analítica a crítica ao racismo como perspectiva de compreensão do Direito. A construção do campo empírico perpassa pelas vivências desta pesquisadora junto ao Grupo de Pesquisa  Antropologia, Fronteiras, Espaço e Cidadania, ao Grupo de Estudo Reparação Plena e Integral, ambos da UCSAL, e ao Grupo de Trabalho Direito à Cidade Antirracista e Equidade de Gênero vinculado à Ouvidoria Cidadã da DPEBA. O corpus documental se consubstancia especialmente nos autos eletrônicos da Ação Civil Pública Proc. nº 8131481-34.2020.8.05.0001 e na legislação pertinente às normas de direito urbanístico. A partir da análise relacional entre Direito, racismo e acesso à terra, problematizamos o papel do Direito e do sistema de justiça na manutenção da ordem estabelecida, de forma a refletir sobre as impossibilidades da concretização do direito à moradia nos moldes legalmente instituídos pelas normas urbanísticas diante da realidade imposta pela complexa problemática urbana e habitacional brasileira, instituída sob as bases do racismo em suas diversas formas, sendo possível esboçar o que denominamos de racismo urbanístico. O cenário dialético retratado a partir do caso em estudo é paradigmático para ilustrar a realidade envolvida na mobilização social pela concretização do direito à moradia e sobre o papel do Direito e suas instituições na efetivação e controle de políticas públicas voltadas à garantia desse direito social fundamental, o que se faz inclusive por meio do silêncio. A tese defendida é a de que que o sistema jurídico operacionaliza de forma institucionalizada a ação estatal indutora da perpetuação e reprodução do racismo, apresentando papel fundamental de perpetrador do poder político, econômico e ideológico da branquitude, de forma a assegurar e manter privilégios sob a égide da defesa Estatal e do ordenamento jurídico.
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    Educação ambiental crítica e pressuposto CTSA: implicações didático pedagógicas para formação cidadã no Ensino Médio
    (UCSal - Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2023-03-29) Rocha, Solange Alcantara Neves; Mourad, Laila Nazem (Orient.); Loureiro, Carlos Frederico B. (Coorient.)
    A humanidade vem sendo impactada pelo desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico em seu cotidiano, nos conduzindo à reflexão sobre as estratégias educacionais atuais e os desdobramentos no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Assim, nesta pesquisa defendemos a ideia de que os desafios impostos no mundo contemporâneo exigem a reunião e a integração de forças teóricas metodológicas que, articuladas, possibilitem o desenvolvimento de estratégias educacionais que facultem a apropriação de conteúdos sociocientíficos e atue de forma indutora ao desenvolvimento de uma educação para a cidadania planetária. Para tanto, apresentamos como objetivo geral: propor uso de estratégias de ensino com vistas a formação de indivíduos críticos, participativos e responsáveis socioambientalmente, por meio da convergência entre Educação Ambiental e educação CTSA no ensino das Ciências Naturais em nível médio. A arquitetura metodológica envolveu, levantamento bibliográfico utilizado na construção do quadro teórico de referência com autores que advogam por uma educação progressista, que deu suporte a todas as fases do estudo, inclusive para análise da natureza e do sentido da educação em ciências; adaptação e proposição do método Ensino Por Pesquisa – EPP, e realizada pesquisa empírica com docentes, coordenadores pedagógicos e diretores escolares sobre a pertinência da EA e CTSA na área de ciências da natureza e uso de atividades pedagógicas para o despertar da criticidade, participação e engajamento de estudantes do ensino médio em escolas de Salvador. A proposição que integra essa tese, apresenta elementos interconectados que expõem questões socioambientais, questões norteadoras/orientadoras e objetivos de aprendizagem nas dimensões conceituais, procedimentais e atitudinais dos conteúdos, distribuídos nos componentes que integram a área de ciências naturais, num contexto articulado de educação ambiental e CTSA considerando aprendizagens significativas e contextualizadas. Os dados foram analisados quali-quantitativamente, e interpretados à luz do método histórico-dialético. Os resultados revelaram unanimidade entre docentes, coordenadores/as e diretores/as sobre a importância da união da EA e CTSA e uso do EPP no ensino das ciências naturais. No entanto essa percepção de relevância não foi evidenciada pela escolha, da maioria (80%), por opções de atividades que incluíssem também conteúdos atitudinais, indutores da participação ativa na busca de novos padrões societários, indicando que os meios não atendem aos fins pretendidos para uma educação transformadora lastreada por conhecimento sociocientífico, evidenciando a necessidade do uso de metodologias que contemplem essa dimensão em escolas de Salvador, a exemplo da proposta neste estudo, o EPP que foi apontado, pelas três categorias investigada, como potencialmente relevante para propiciar a formação de indivíduos com letramento científico crítico, participativos, éticos, capacitados para a tomada de decisões informadas e socioambientalmente responsáveis. Conclui-se que essa pesquisa, para além do almeijado, pode contribuir para o despertar sobre o alinhamento das atividades pedagógicas com as intencionalidades das abordagens contemporâneas a fim de que os conhecimentos adquiridos se reverberem na sociedade para superação dos desafios educacionais e socioambientais.
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    Uma análise do sistema previdenciário brasileiro sob a ótica decolonial: reflexões sobre o auxílio reclusão e sobre a emenda constitucional n. 103/2019
    (UCSal - Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2023-09-29) Almeida, Germana Pinheiro de ; Silva, Julie Sarah Lourau Alves da
    . . A presente tese investigou o sistema previdenciário brasileiro sob o prisma decolonial. A pergunta norteadora cinge-se em analisar, a partir desta perspectiva, em que medida as reformas constitucionais previdenciárias implicaram em exclusão de cobertura social para a população negra no Brasil? A hipótese defendida na pesquisa é que o sistema previdenciário pode ser compreendido como mais um instrumento de manipulação e domínio dos corpos negros. Foi objeto desta pesquisa também uma análise sobre às alterações legais evidenciadas em torno do auxílio reclusão, que alterou a forma com que é pago e as condições para tanto, de tal maneira ao longo dos anos que implicou em redução drástica do número de beneficiários, o que afetou diretamente os principais beneficiários deste auxílio previdenciário, pago às famílias dos custodiados, em sua maioria constituídas de pessoas negras, conforme demonstrado na pesquisa. Defendeu, o entendimento, que o sistema previdenciário precisa ser repensado por uma perspectiva que leve em conta o processo de escravização e as consequências desta colonização sobre a população negra, portanto, sob um viés decolonial. Outro vértice de objeto de análise nesta pesquisa cinge-se à análise dos argumentos apresentados na exposição de motivos que ensejou o implemento da Emenda Constitucional n. 103 e que justificou a mais radical reforma previdenciária que ocorreu em 2019. Como objetivos específicos a pesquisa analisou os conceitos elementares da Previdência Social no Brasil; apresentou conceitos sobre os racismos estrutural e institucional, aprofundar a discussão sob a ótica da decolonialidade e apontou como este prisma é fundamental para se propor uma análise do sistema de previdência social centrado na questão racial e menos excludente. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida na área das Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, com caráter de pesquisa exploratória, com metodologia dedutiva, revisão de literatura, com análise de conteúdo e análise documental. Como resultado deste estudo foi possível compreender o quanto a decolonialidade do poder e a decolonialidade do saber são urgentes ao se tratar do sistema de previdência social brasileiro e observou-se em que medida a ausência destas categorias permitiu mudanças significativas tanto sobre o Auxílio Reclusão, quanto determinou a propositura e implementação da Emenda constitucional n. 103, que, além de alterar de forma profunda o sistema como todo, desnatura por completo o auxílio previdenciário destinado às famílias de pessoas custodiadas e de baixa renda. Diante dos dados apontados e do conteúdo das referidas alterações legislativas, foi possível inferir que as pessoas negras, com destaque para mulheres, foram as mais afetadas e, por fim, concluiu-se pela urgência de se aportar um olhar decolonial doravante para fins de se apoiar as políticas previdenciárias no Brasil.
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    Análisis del Sistema Universidad Abierta de Brasil: la internalización del EAD y su impacto en el proceso de desarrollo en las dinámicas socio, educativas y económicas en el municipio norestino de Jaguaribe, Ceará
    (2018-06-22) Teodoro, Luiz Fernando; Oliveira, José Oswaldo Soares (Orient.); Hidalgo, Cecília Elvira (Coorient.)
    La presente Tesis tuvo como objetivo evaluar el impacto de la educación superior en la modalidad a distancia ofertado por el Sistema Universidad Abierta de Brasil [UAB] en el proceso de desarrollo socioeconómico en el municipio de Jaguaribe, estado de Ceará, como realidad representativa de las dinámicas socioeconómicas a corto plazo de las ciudades de pequeño porte de la Región Noreste brasileña - objeto de las medidas establecidas por la Política Nacional de implantación de la UAB. La estrategia metodológica adoptada se basó en la investigación aplicada que, se divide en dos partes a saber: en la primera parte, se propone la evaluación, según lo dispuesto en el Decreto Federal n.o 5.800/2006, constitutivo de la UAB, siendo aferido el efectivo cumplimiento de los objetivos propuestos, de entre estos, ampliación del acceso a educación superior pública y, consiguiente, su contribución al proceso de desarrollo socioeconómico por medio de entrevistas con alumnos concluyentes de los cursos ofertados en el polo del Sistema [UAB] instalado en Jaguaribe. Ya en la segunda parte, se adoptó el modelo econométrico a través del uso de la matriz insumo-producto, de Wassily Leontief, con objetivo de analizar otros desdoblamientos del impacto económico a corto plazo de la UAB en relación al desarrollo local e interregional, por medio de la construcción de la matriz Jaguaribe/CE y su relación con otros sectores de la economía del municipio, del resto del estado de Ceará y del resto de Brasil. Como resultado en la Parte I de la Tesis, se confirmó el cumplimiento de los objetivos trazados en el decreto federal de creación del Sistema [UAB], en un segundo momento, también, se confirman las transformaciones socioeconómicos en las vidas de los encuestados, denotado, principalmente en el factor renta, en el cual, después de la finalización del curso hubo avance positivo revelado en la migración de faja de renta. Ya los resultados para la Parte II, demostraron que el sector Educación presenta la menor remuneración media y, a su vez, contribuye con menos de uno por ciento del empleo total en el municipio. En relación a los indicadores económicos, el sector Educación presenta contribución relativa en la economía local para el año estudiado, cuando observado los multiplicadores de producción, empleo y rendimiento, la mejor posición alcanzada por el sector en la economía, fue en la de producción, ocupando la undécima posición. Por último, se analizó el impacto económico del Sistema [UAB] a través de su polo, en el municipio. Los resultados obtenidos demostraron que los desembolsos efectuados en la producción, presentaron mayor efecto en el sector de Transformación. Con relación a los efectos del polo UAB en la generación de empleo y rendimiento, se destaca, en ambos, el sector Madera, Muebles, Papel y Gráfico, por ser el mayor impactado con la demanda del polo en la economía de Jaguaribe. A través de los estudios realizados se concluye que el Sistema [UAB] presenta un alcance de mayor relevancia social si observado de modo comparativo en el campo económico en la contribución para el proceso de desarrollo local y regional, corroborando así la hipótesis inicial de la Tesis.
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    Desafios para estimular jovens da periferia à leitura literária: estudo de uma Unidade Estadual de Ensino de Salvador (2015-2023)
    (UCSal - Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2024-02-08) Jesus, Cláudia Santos de; Silva, Julie Sarah Lourau Alves da
    Esta tese tem por objeto de estudo a leitura literária no contexto escolar baiano. Diante disso, definimos como objetivo geral analisar como uma unidade estadual de ensino de Salvador tem lidado com os desafios para estimular jovens da periferia à leitura literária, no período de 2015 a 2023. Para alcançá-lo, delimitamos como objetivos específicos: apresentar um levantamento de políticas públicas de leitura implementadas pelo Governo Federal (e.g. PNLD-Literário), e pelo Governo do Estado da Bahia (e.g. PELL); apontar os desafios enfrentados por docentes e jovens em si apropriarem da promoção da política de leitura literária, em vistas a uma unidade de ensino da rede estadual de Salvador; identificar de que forma(s) docentes e discentes têm participado de ações de estímulo à leitura em uma unidade de ensino da rede estadual de Salvador, considerando o período de 2025 a 2023; investigar quais espaços e/ou ações de estímulo à leitura literária estão presentes na unidade de ensino estadual de Salvador, em vistas ao período de 2015 a 2023. Quanto aos aspectos metodológicos, optamos pela investigação qualitativa, apoiada na estratégia do estudo de caso, tendo uma unidade estadual de ensino na periferia de Salvador como lócus de pesquisa. Para a coleta de dados, foram utilizadas: pesquisa bibliográfica, questionários, grupos focais e observações in loco. Participaram dos grupos focais docentes e discentes da unidade de ensino. Nossa pesquisa pôde confirmar que a promoção de atividades de estímulo à leitura literária em escolas estaduais da periferia de Salvador envolve a superação de diferentes desafios. São muitos os entraves enfrentados por docentes e discentes para si apropriarem da promoção da política de leitura literária, dentre esses se destacam: o fato de a biblioteca escolar se encontrar fechada e seu acervo, praticamente, inacessível, em decorrência da ausência de um(a) bibliotecário(a) que proceda à organização e disponibilização das obras; a falta de interesse e a resistência por parte do corpo discente à leitura literária; as demandas pessoais e profissionais enfrentadas pelas docentes, que as têm levado ao desânimo e desestímulo; a quantidade insuficiente de obras recebidas pela escola e a predominância de temáticas que não estimulam o interesse dos(as) jovens; e a pouca ou inexistente participação da família. Associado a isso, ao considerarmos as muitas políticas públicas de leitura implementadas pelo Governo Federal e pelo Governo do Estado da Bahia, identificamos que estas ainda apresentam muitos limites, tais como, falhas ao longo do processo de implementação e o foco na distribuição de obras e não necessariamente na formação do(a) leitor(a) literário(a).
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    Análise do impacto dos programas de incentivos fiscais na geração de empregos na indústria e na renúncia de receita do Estado da Bahia no período de 1999 a 2021
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2022-01-12) Pacheco, Hogla de Alencar; Portella, André Alves; https://lattes.cnpq.br; Borges, Ângela Maria Carvalho; https://lattes.cnpq.br; Silva, Antônio Carlos da; https://lattes.cnpq.br; Brito, Edvaldo Pereira de; https://lattes.cnpq.br; Hirsch, Fábio Periandro de Almeida; https://lattes.cnpq.br
    The present work aims to study the employment creation in industries on State of Bahia as a result of investment attraction programs that granted tax and/or financial incentives in the field of ICMS, from 1999 to 2021. The State of Bahia used these incentives to attract new industries and expand or modernize existing ones, demanding in return employment creation, according to the financial investment and the size of the industrial project that the company would undertake. The ICMS tax and financial benefits were granted within the environment of the so-called fiscal war, where the States and the Federal District, in their eagerness to expand and/or modernize their economies, started to grant them in dissonance with the constitutional provisions. The granting of such benefits by subnational entities is only justified if they are to stimulate regional growth and the creation of employment and income. Since the 50s, the establishment of industries within the State of Bahia territory has always occurred mainly as a result of the entry of capital from outside the State. From the 90s onwards, when the Union stopped promoting the development of the poorest regions in Brazil, the States and the Federal District started to use fiscal and financial incentives to attract investments and, thus, promote their own development. In light of this situation, one can see the importance of studying the increase in employment creation in the industry and the revenue waiver in State of Bahia as a result of tax incentives provided for in state investment attraction programs, as well as the State Government's role in monitoring and verifying the jobs generated, as it was the counterpart required from the benefited industries that came here or expanded their industrial plants.
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    Interlocuções entre práticas educativas e o mundo do trabalho na educação de jovens e adultos - EJA - nível fundamental i em duas escolas no subúrbio ferroviário de Salvador-Bahia-Brasil
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2020-12-22) Neves, Adna Santos das; Freitas, Kátia Siqueira de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Borges, Ângela Maria Carvalho; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Carvalho, Inaiá Maria Moreira de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Amorim, José Pedro; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Amorim, Antonio; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Costa, Graça dos Santos; Costa, Jaqueline Pereira Ventura; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    The research had as object of study the Interlocutions between educational practice and the world of work in the fundamental EJA I in 2 (two) schools in the Subúrbio Ferroviário, Salvador - Bahia. The general objective was to analyze how interlocutions between educational practices and the world of work materialize in 2 (two) schools of Youth and Adult Education - EJA Fundamental I, in the Subúrbio Ferroviário, Salvador - Bahia - Brazil, between the years 2016 and 2020. The specific objectives were: to identify, through the report of the working students of EJA I, their interest in the development of the theme education and the world of work in didactic situations proposed by the teacher; portray how the world of work is inserted in the guiding documents of educational practice: Curricular Proposal for EJA I from the Municipal Education System of Salvador, Political Pedagogical Project - PPP, School Rules, Plans and didactic projects; verify which actions are proposed by the Municipal Education Secretariat Salvador and by the teachers in the classroom, aiming at the development of the thematic world of work in the school spaces of EJA I in the researched schools and how they serve the interests of the working student. Thus the problem of the study arose: How does the dialogue between educational practices and the World of Work take place in 02 (two) municipal schools of EJA Fundamental I in the Suburbio Ferroviário de Salvador in the period from 2016 to 2020? The methodology used was applied research, following a qualitative approach through the analysis of categories, with input from the research participants' verbalizations, based on Saviani's Historical-Critical Theory (2011), and the case study as a theoretical-methodological procedure used with Gil (2002), Trivinos (1987), Ludke and Andre (1986) as theoretical contributions, as well as other authors, such as Gadotti (2014), Amorim (2012) and Di Pierro (2007), who discuss the Public Policy of EJA; Arroyo (2017), Ventura (2017), Ciavatta (2014), Borges (2010) and Carvalho (2008): Youth and Adult Education and the World of Work, Freitas (2019), Dos Santos Costa (2001), Freire (1967) and Scocuglia (2010): Educational Practices at EJA and Namorado (2009) and Amorim, José Pedro (2012) : Assumptions of popular education and solidarity economy and EJA, in the National and International sphere, among others referenced in the thesis, followed by the performance of documentary analysis on Youth and Adult Education (EJA). Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, thinking about the preservation of life, health and well-being of the people involved in the research, we used semi-structured interviews, through the Google Meet Platform, with 06 (six) teachers, 01 (one) manager and 02 ( two) pedagogical coordinators. The questionnaire was applied online, through Google Forms, with 42 (forty-two) students enrolled in the year 2020, and the virtual focus group technique was performed through the Google Meet Platform, with the help of TICs, with 05 (five) students who did not continue their studies in 2019, of the 02 (two) schools of EJA Ensino Fundamental I surveyed. The results obtained revealed: the yearning of working students for discussions related to the world of work and the development of practical activities regarding the theme, explored in class, the discontinuity of actions taken by schools in this regard, the lack of actions that dialogue with the fundamental EJA I through the Department of Education.
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    Proteção social à população em situação de rua: um estudo sobre o Brasil e Portugal
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-07-26) Santos, Iraci; Carvalho, Inaiá Maria Moreira de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Marques, Eduardo José da Silva Tomé; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Tavares, Márcia Santana; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Baour, Josimara Aparecida Delgado; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Silva, Julie Sarah Lourau Alves da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Lepikson, Maria de Fátima Pessôa; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    The object of this thesis is to reflect on safeguards to the population in a street situation in the city of Salvador, Brazil, and the homeless people in the city of Porto, as they are referred to, in Portugal. We examine similarities and dissimilarities among this target group and the assistance provided in both countries, pointing out actions undertaken during the Coronavirus pandemic in Salvador. Hence, in order to achieve the proposed objective, the methodology employed focused on an analysis based on bibliographic review, documentary research, visits to shelter and support institutions, and on observations and records in field diaries that enabled knowing the characteristics, the reasons for being in the streets, the way of life, the role of the State, and the framework of Brazilian and Portuguese public policies. We found that, with the work society crisis that afflicted both Brazil and the European continent, particularly Portugal, causing the growth of the industrial reserve army, both nations revealed themselves even more incapable of integrating the whole productive population, maintaining a labor reserve. This difficult situation clearly shows the inability of the State, market, families and the community to cope with the protection of its members, which is at the root of their “banishment” to the “world” of the streets. Realizing that the absolute number of individuals under these circumstances with a similar profile is still unknown in both societies – with the exception of color and quantity – comprising, for the most part, men and young people of working age, the feminine presence, albeit low, is still growing. In the municipality of Salvador the social care network has expanded, but still has not reached the totality of this social segment. In the Porto district the service is provided by public, private, NGOs and volunteer institutions engaged in a more cohesive work. This study points out the need to analyze the particularities and difficulties of such a group, and to critically consider the care services within the sphere of social policies.
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    O acesso à informação em universidades públicas no Brasil: transparência e eficiência em uma sociedade da informação, após implementação da lei nº 12.527/2011
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2021-03-22) Aguiar, Reinaldo Pereira de; Cunha Júnior, Dirley da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Freitas, Kátia Siqueira de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Portella, André Alves; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Bahia, Saulo Casali; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Soares, Ricardo Maurício Freire; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    This research work was developed as a requirement of the Postgraduate Program in the Doctorate modality that deals with access to information in Public Universities in order to research how these educational institutions are complying with the determinations of federal law nº. 12.527/2011, the Law on Access to Information, entitled as LAI that allows, among other aspects, greater transparency, publicity and efficiency in public management, as determined by article 37, of the 1988 Federal Constitution. In this sense, the general objective of the research was to analyze what are the forms of access to information adopted by public universities within the scope of the constitutional and legal precepts provided for in the Brazilian legal framework, an opportunity in which a brief history of access to information during the early 21st century. In the methodology, documents available on the world wide web and dialogues with five Brazilian universities were observed, namely: UFBA; UFG; UFPA; UFPR and USP. Concerning the purposes of the research, descriptive and exploratory research was used, in addition to qualitative and quantitative research. The multiple case study technique was also adopted, confirming the hypothesis that the researched universities do not comply with the Law on Access to Information, according to the legal, normative and regulatory order, which can corroborate the commitment of efficiency in the end-and-middle activity of these institutions. The research provided numerous information that surprised the researcher, such as: a) the inefficiency in serving the internal and external public; b) insufficient internal communication; c) failure to fully comply with the role of the institutions surveyed in the middle and end activities with rules, regulations and the Brazilian legal framework with an emphasis on Law no. 12.527/2011 and the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil (1988). However, immediately, the research was successful in its development when it was noticed that one of the institutions surveyed noticed the need for changes in the "Access to Information" Menu and immediately made changes, reformulating the entire website of the service. However, in general, it was noticed that the websites of the researched institutions are not accessible; they do not have accessibility features and there was no universal usability in an equal way. Thus, universal access must be inclusive without exclusion, such as the availability of information in the Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) as the summary of this thesis.
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    Prazer, sofrimento e adoecimento no trabalho de enfermagem em Hospital Geral, Salvador, Bahia
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-12-10) Guimarães, Zelma Miriam Barbosa; Maia, Helena Fraga; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Pitta, Ana Maria Fernandes; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Lepikson, Maria de Fátima Pessôa; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Barros, Sônia; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Rodrigues, Gilmara Ribeiro S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    The factors that contribute to pleasure and suffering and illness at work were strongly influenced by the great transformations that have occurred throughout history, particularly in the world of contemporary work. The purpose of this study is to identify the determinants of pleasure or suffering in nursing work in a hospital context. The specific objectives were defined as follows: characterize the sociodemographic, occupational and clinical profile of nursing workers in the hospital context, estimate the prevalence of risks of common mental disorders among nursing workers; Describe the factors that contribute to the pleasure or suffering in the work process of the nursing staff, as well as their strategies to cope with the suffering. This is a analytical cross-sectional study and qualitative character developed in a large general hospital. The study population consisted of nurses and nursing technicians. The quantitative sample consisted of 372 nursing workers. The interviews involved 12 nurses and 11 nursing technicians. The collection of quantitative research data took place from February to May 2019 by applying three instruments: Hospital Health Work, Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test, and Self Report Questionnaire-20. The collection of qualitative research data took place from October to December 2019. The data were subjected to bivariate analysis and the Pearson chi-square test was performed. Adopted level of statistical significance of 5%. The association between the variables studied and the presence of risks for Common Mental Disorders were estimated by calculating Odds Ratio odds ratios, adopting the 95% confidence interval as a measure of precision. The qualitative data were subjected to thematic content analysis after interview transcription. The study population was mostly composed of female individuals (96.0%), under 39 (49.1%), black or brown skin color (88.4%), with partners (52.1%), with children (60.2 %). People that went to college have predominated (58.3%) and with salaries equivalent to less than five minimum wages in Brazil (71.2%). The overall prevalence of risks for common mental disorders was 42.2%. No statistically significant difference was observed between the sociodemographic characteristics and the risks of the common mental disorder. In relation to current health, it was significant to mention health problems and medication use. In the result of the hierarchical analysis, in the final model, we observed that the use of medications proved to be a risk factor for the common mental disorder and the appropriate division of tasks and the willingness to have fun at the end of the workday was a factor protective. The thematic content analysis of the interview data highlighted the categories: Taking care of the other and taking care of yourself; organization and process of nursing work in the hospital; interprofessional relationship at work, defensive strategies of coping. It was concluded that the work process was determining factor of pleasure and suffering in nursing work in the hospital context.
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    Formação de dirigentes escolares e o desempenho da escola pública municipal: conceitos, fundamentos e interlocuções
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-11-20) Jesus, José Santos de; Freitas, Kátia Siqueira de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Lepikson, Maria de Fátima Pessôa; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Novaes, Ivan Luiz; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Santos, Jair Nascimento; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Mutim, Avelar Luiz Bastos; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    The study object of this work was the educational background of school principals and the performance of municipal public elementary schools, specifically from 2014 up to 2018 in the city of Salvador, State of Bahia. The main objective was to analyze the link between the educational background of school principals and the performance of two public elementary schools in Salvador. The question to be answered in the research was: What is the connection between the educational background and the performance of elementary municipal public schools in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil? The specific objectives were: a) To relate the infrastructures and the human resources of two public elementary schools (belonging to the public education system of Salvador); b) To examine the alignment of school principals training program offered by SMED (Municipal Education Department of Salvador) in 2014, with defined allocations in the 2003 document where the assignments of the school principals are specified; c) To compare the school principals training program with the performance indicators of two public elementary schools in Salvador. The approach of matched studies between qualitative and quantitative inputs was used, favoring the qualitative input in two public elementary schools located in a peripheral neighborhood of Salvador. The two schools studied were named as “Alfa” – the school which its principal has taken a training course held by Municipal Education Department of Salvador (SMED) in 2014; and “Beta” – the school which its principal has not taken the training course mentioned. In both schools – “Alfa” and “Beta” – surveys and half open interviews with principals were used. Documents were also analyzed such as school principal assignments, the Political Pedagogical Proposal, school council meeting minutes, and the study material used in the training course held by SMED in 2014. Indicators that compose IDEB (Basic Education Development Rate) were broken up and analyzed: the Proficiency rates in Portuguese Language and in Mathematics, as well as the general grade on IDEB of both schools, studied. The Focus Group technique was also applied. The data analysis has indicated that, although the schools studied are located in the same neighborhood and also belonging to the same educational system, Alfa’s physical facilities have shown more deficiency than Beta’s. There were few inputs and lack of human and material resources. The analysis of the 80-hour load school principals training course held by SMED in 2014 as a legal requirement for candidates to have opportunity of being part of the school management election has showed that the course - although substantiated in the current educational legislation at that period - does not align with principals’ competencies either with their professional needs explained by those principals or with the current issues at hand in society such as discussions about minorities, people with disabilities, social and ethnic issues and violence. In the interview, in contrast to Alfa school, the Beta school principal has shown a larger knowledge and experience by previously having managed a school. In addition, this school principal has shown a more participative and more democratic management profile. Finally, the data and the theoretical framework analysis shows that there is a connection between the educational background of the school principals and the school performance, which conclusions indicate that the more prepared and experienced school principals are, the better the school performance results. We do not absolutely affirm that the theoretical formation and professional experiences in the educational area can guarantee the good performance of the public school. However, we assert that they can contribute to improving public school performance.
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    Formação de pedagogos(as) e gestão escolar: articulações despedaçadas?
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-12-17) Silva, Joanita Moura da; Freitas, Kátia Siqueira de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Carvalho, Inaiá Maria Moreira de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Macedo, Roberto Sidnei Alves; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Conceição, Ana Paula Silva da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Ferreira, Maria da Conceição Alves; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Pitta, Ana Maria Fernandes; http://lattes.cnpq.br
    This thesis regards the syllabus formation of the Pedagogy Undergraduation and builds its research from the Pedagogy Undergraduation syllabus’ acts that coordinate the training of the pedagogue in educational and school management in its initial steps. Qualitatively, we approach the theme in the view of the complexity paradigm and of the multi-referentiality, using Morin’s Complex Thought framework, as well as Ardoino’s Multi-referentiality and Macedo’s Curriculum Etnoconstitutive Theory. This research is a multicase study conducted in Universidade do Estado da Bahia – it offers Pedagogy Degrees in classroom mode, in fourteen different departments – teaching professionals to act in the basic education in the capital and in the countryside of Bahia. From the initial of information collection (document analysis of Political Pedagogic Projects of the Courses), the operation of three curriculum propositions was patent in 14 campi: 12 operated Campus A’s curriculum, 01 operate Campus B’s curriculum and 01 Campus C’s curriculum. Analyzing these curriculum propositions (all of them mentioned educational and school management), we elected Campus A’s curriculum (which is implemented in 12 different campi) as empirical field for the application of the data collection instruments. The subjects who participated in the research were teachers, Collegiate coordinators, Core Structuring Teachers, senior students and alumni. As for the qualitative data analysis, it was conducted through dialogue with the scholars of complexity/multi-referentiality. We aimed for the creation of a critical-comprehensive thought regarding the education and training model(s), which was elucidated in the field research and used Macedo’s Contrastive Etnoresearch framework. In the empirical field, it was shown that the training to work in school management has different theoretical-practical approaches in UNEB’s context. The singularities show that, in one campus context, there are coordinations between management contents and skills that are experienced through different practices, including internships. In two other campi, the curriculum acts for the managing training point to a scenery of minimization of timespan and place destined to learning-knowledge with educational and school management. In such sceneries, coordinations are shattered. We propose the creation of training widgets that, in the process of a pedagogue’s initial education provide knowledge coordination in educational and school management with the training institutions: Basic School and University.
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    Direitos humanos e dominação: a ONU no espelho
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-12-17) Carvalho, Érica Rios de; Silva, Antônio Carlos da; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Arruda, Murilo S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Souza, Cláudio André de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Silva, Julie Sarah Lourau Alves da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Ivo, Anete Brito Leal; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    The thesis presented is that there is a disparity between the speeches about peoples' equality and self-determination and the praxis of the international relations through United Nations (UN), especially in its Security Council (SC). The central question for this research was if UN speeches about human rights, mainly regarding peoples’ equality and self-determination, align with its effective actions, especially focusing on its SC. After analyzing the research’s results, it was verified that the system of international relations and human rights stands for a continuous past-present of a bourgeois liberal system of fetishism and exploitation. Such order is proposed as civilizatory and universal and is today reproduced acritically, notwithstanding the permanence of power iniquities inside UN itself. Through methodological triangulation of literature review, documents analysis and content analysis, the research aimed to investigate the fitting between UN speeches about international law and human rights, especially regarding equality among peoples/nations, and its real actions. Specifically, along the chapters, this thesis analyzed the speeches built around international law, human rights and equality among peoples considering the civilizational process, colonial/post-colonial/decolonial and imperialism theories. Then, the work attempted to understand the articulation between universality and equality speeches in this area. Finally, it discussed the performance of that organization when it comes to international law, human rights and the effectiveness of international relations' horizontality, respect to peoples’ equality and self-determination. From concepts such as domination, iniquity and coloniality, reality was confronted with the historical axis of human rights: liberty, equality and fraternity. The content analysis of SC's documents, such as protocols, minutes and vetoes, allowed the elucidation of the power relations that perpetuate in new names and shapes, but without big differences when compared to the practices of colonialism and imperialism of past centuries. The continuous past-present that had been foreseen as hypothesis for this work was thus confirmed through the methodological triangulation that was adopted. The conclusion is that the civilizatory progress, under bourgeois liberal command cannot, for its own nature, reach its self-proclaimed ideals (over which the whole thing has been built), or at least not for everyone in the planet. The idea of universalization is then innocent, utopic or, in the worst case, a mere decoy to sustain a system that is intrinsically unfair. In it, only a few humans have effective human rights. The strongest international institution (UN) is not able to change such an order, once it has been structured inside and from this very order and has, in its own body, iniquities among its members. As long as this structuring inequality holds strong, one cannot expect UN to have a revolutionary role in history.
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    A dimensão ético política da reforma psiquiátrica
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-11-29) Nascimento, Eliana Brito; Delgado, Josimara Aparecida; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Carvalho, Inaiá Maria Moreira de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Pitta, Ana Maria Fernandes; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Delgado, Josimara Aparecida; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Oliveira, Ana Marta Lobosque de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/; Torrente, Mônica Nunes de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/
    The object of study of this Thesis is the Mental Health Policy, and its objective is to discuss the new model of mental health care in force in Brazil, in its ethical-political dimension. To this end, it sought to analyze the conditions, advances and obstacles to the implementation of Psychiatric Reform in the country, comparing the experiences of Belo Horizonte-MG and Salvador-BA, two Brazilian metropolises - emphasizing the influence of professionals in this area. The choice of the city of Belo Horizonte is justified by housing one of the most successful experiences of implementation of Psychiatric Reform in the country. Already in Salvador, the advance in this perspective occurs more slowly and problematically. The process of Brazilian Psychiatric Reform, triggered in the late 1970s, from mobilizations within the civil society, is linked to other movements and achievements, in the international context, overcoming the Asilar Model. Established within the framework of the French Revolution, this Model was a response to the social presence of “madness”. Law 10.216 / 01 marks the achievement in the legal field of Psychiatric Reform, idealized and gestated within the Antimanicomial Movement, which entered the Brazilian scene from 1987, bringing together workers, users of Mental Health Services and family, around the overcoming project of the Asilar Model. The general objective of analyzing the conditions and progress of the implementation of the Psychiatric Reform, comparing the experiences of Salvador and Belo Horizonte and emphasizing the influence of professionals in this area was divided into the following specific objectives: to analyze the perception of professionals about change. of paradigm; analyze the difficulties of professionals in the operationalization of the new model and identify the limits in the methodological theoretical training, technical assistance and institutional policy for the exercise of the new model. The assumptions were that the understanding of the subjects has a decisive influence on the processes of change and that in the processes of institutionalization of new models, the consolidation of transformations in the socio-cultural dimension (and, consequently, the scope of the ethical-political dimension) is the most complex aspect.. The study sought support in the Extended Theory of the State of Italian Antonio Gramsci, focusing on its concept of Organic Intellectual. A qualitative research was carried out, having as Method, the Dialectical Materialism, of analytical - descriptive nature. The research had as empirical field the Psychosocial Care Network of the cities of Salvador and Belo Horizonte. The research subjects were the representatives of the various professional segments that make up the RAPS (Psychosocial Care Network) of the Municipality, as well as users of the services. Narrative interviews, direct observation, bibliographic and documentary analysis were conducted. From the broad analysis undertaken, the thesis on the positive or negative contribution of professionals, from their training / culture and ethical - political commitment, to the success of the Psychiatric Reform was proved. However, the analysis of the experiences recorded here highlights how sociopolitical conditions also significantly influence the results of the process.
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    Corpos enforcados, destroçados e desaparecidos: violência contra jovens negros em Salvador
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-09-22) Cavalcante, Andaraí Ramos; Silva, Julie Sarah Lourau Alves da; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Carvalho, Inaiá Maria Moreira de; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Calazans, Márcia Esteves; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Castro, Mary Garcia; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Malomalo, Basilete; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Conceição, Fernando; http://lattes.cnpq.br
    This thesis had as object of study the nexus between racism and the forms of concretization of the manifestations of violence against young blacks in Brazil, resulting from a historical construction of racism in structural molds, characteristic in social relations in this society and structuring in our country. Why are young black people victimized in the most diverse ways, as a result of a set of political actions that give rise to violations that have or may have as their final outcome their death, from a genocidal perspective? This thesis, elaborated in a qualitative perspective, had as its initial question: why is the young black man victimized in two types of violence, apparently concretized in different ways: murders resulting from military police actions, as operators of the public security system, and lynchings practiced by the population? Thus, the objective was to understand how this racism structures the manifestations of violence in the country from the analysis of cases of murders of young blacks resulting from the actions of military police and lynchings by the population in the city of Salvador, Bahia. The empirical study was based on cases identified and reported by the media and social networks between 2012 and 2017, after a decade of implementing affirmative policies in Brazil. For this purpose, "qualitative and interpretative social research" was carried out, because it took as reference the most diverse methodological procedures of social sciences. Theoretical contributions and studies on the subject were incorporated, as well as documents, public policies and norms produced within the State and proposals and experiences of struggles of black movements and social organizations to combat violence against young blacks. The research technique is episodic narratives of life history, with the use of semi-structured interview. The subjects interviewed for the research were differentiated, according to the empirical fields, in order to achieve the purposes of the thesis. They composed four groups of interviewees: relatives of the young murders; relatives, neighbors and friends and acquaintances in cases of lynching; members and/or representatives of public institutions and instances of public authorities and members of black social movements. he data was analyzed from a constraining matrix of episodic narratives of life stories in both cases. From the analysis and interpretation of the data, we obtained a greater and better understanding of the theme, which enabled us to highlight the similarities and differences in the approach between the interlocutors, both in cases of police violence and in cases of lynching. We also note that racism has contributed on a daily basis to the permanence of the occurrences of violence in contemporary times, particularly and fatally affecting black bodies, as a result of the establishment of a strong police criminal state and a ruthless criminal justice system. It is possible to see not only a silence, but also indifference, in general, on the part of society in relation to the high numbers of deaths of young black people. Despite the silence and indifference, various forms of protest have also been identified, especially the movements of the mothers of victims of state violence. In Salvador, the protests in the neighborhoods and the graffiti, attracted attention. It is the art being used as a mobilizer, as a way to denounce racism, racial violence that has black bodies as its main targets.
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    A reforma trabalhista brasileira e o projeto doing business: a regulação do contrato de trabalho sob os influxos dos organismos internacionais
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-05-05) Santos, Maria Roseniura de Oliveira; Pessoa, Flávia Moreira Guimarães; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Borges, Ângela Maria Carvalho; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Faria, Maria da Graça Druck de; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Oliveira, Isabela Fadul de; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Ivo, Anete Brito Leal; http://lattes.cnpq.br
    Neoliberalism has potentiated an interdependence of markets to submit national economies to the command of globalized capital and to enable vertical integration of transnational economic groups, removing regional barriers to capitalist expansion. The World Bank has been crucial in shaping economic convergence policies across countries. An iconic action by the World Bank is the Doing Business project that collects, systematizes and disseminates data and rankings pertaining to ease of doing business. The project was consolidated as one of the programs of action that promotes reform of the normative frameworks in accordance with neoliberal doctrine and under the perspective of the economic analysis of the law. The research investigated the influence of Doing Business on Brazilian labor reform from the database available on the web from 2003 to 2018. The study shoewd the hypothesis that labor market reforms in Brazil have been influenced by the World Bank. It was evidenced that the Brazilian reform aligned with the guidelines of the Doing Business sought to implode the protective legislation of the work and presented an exacerbated face of neoliberalism. The research points to the asymmetries of Law n. 13.467/2017 and an emergency exit from the application of international treaties and the civilian principles of social function of ownership.
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    Proteção do patrimônio genético dos trabalhadores expostos ao urânio em município do sudoeste da Bahia, Brasill
    (Universidade Católica do Salvador, 2019-05-05) Oliveira, Daniele Matos de; Pitta, Ana Maria Fernandes; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Borges, Ângela Maria Carvalho; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Pena, Paulo Gilvane Lopes; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Bispo, Vanesca de Freitas; http://lattes.cnpq.br; Cunha Júnior, Dirley da; http://lattes.cnpq.br
    The existence of a uranium mine in the southwestern part of Bahia since the early 2000s has raised the need for discussion about the risks caused by this activity to the genetic patrimony of workers exposed to this agent in the workplace. The objective is to deepen the knowledge about the consequences to the genetic patrimony of the workers involved in the extraction of uranium in the southwest of Bahia and to contribute to the definition of public health, labor and environmental policies that protect the exposed workers and population. We chose a research design in the case study model, with the adoption of a research strategy of a qualitative nature with exploratory-explanatory nature, using techniques of bibliographic research, documentary, direct observation and semi-structured interviews during the visit institution. Through the research techniques, results have been obtained in the sense that the exposure to uranium is capable of provoking genetic mutations, that can cause the appearance of neoplasias, as well as being transmitted to the descendants of the irradiated workers. The non-existence of personal protective equipment, which can actually preserve the health of workers exposed to this type of agent, exacerbates the reality experienced in uranium mines. In the absence of effective mechanisms to protect workers, the idea of mechanization of the activity, preservation of the activities of inspection agencies, as well as the need to deepen the subject through research, which seeks to recognize the causal link between exposure to uranium and the health damage.