Violência contra a mulher em tempos de pandemia

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Universidade Católica do Salvador


This article aims to address the theme of violence against women, highlighting the domestic violence, which grew at alarming levels during the pandemic installed in 2020. Faced with this planetary crisis, the World Health Organization (WHO) passed to recommend that the best way to contain the spread of the virus, COVID-19, would be for the population to stay indoors, however, husbands and wives, companions and companions who previously did not keep this coexistence so close, as they went out to work and often they only met at night, started to live together day by day, together with their various emotional, marital and financial problems, greatly enhancing factors that contribute to a significant increase in violence against women. Next, the traumas that these mistreatments cause in life of a woman, in light of Law 11.340 / 2006, known as Law Maria da Penha.



Violência contra mulher, Pandemia, Lei Maria da Penha, Violence against women, Pandemic, Maria da Penha Law
