O processo de formulação da política pública em reprodução assistida: o Projeto de Lei Nº 517/2011, no Estado de São Paulo

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Universidade Catolica de Salvador


The research discusses the process of public policy-making in assisted human reproduction, particularly the Bill of Law nº 517/2011 and its entry into the government agenda of the State of São Paulo, in order to investigate why, how and who gives the process of formulating the "Basic Assistance Program in Human Reproduction" (Bill nº 517/2011) on the government agenda of the State of São Paulo. Specifically, we sought also to identify the problem that justifies the policy formulation assistance in assisted human reproduction in the public health system of the State of São Paulo the light of the theoretical model of public policy Kingdon; lift and systematize existing documents on proposals / alternatives for assistance in assisted human reproduction in the public health system of the State of São Paulo; map the actors / participants in the formulation of public policy on assisted human reproduction in the government agenda of the State of São Paulo. Thus, this study aims to broaden the understanding of social rights, namely: the right to health and the right to sexual and reproductive Light Family Planning Law, in order that the economically less privileged can enjoy these rights sometimes hampered by neoliberal and capitalist economic system. Rights which help in building a State of Social Welfare, in which citizenship can be exercised so salutary to human dignity. In this sense, the methodology adopted was a qualitative study with literature review, documentary analysis and design of the case study, which used as a tool for data collection interview to seek the perception of the actors involved in the process of policy formulation above, with the theoretical model of public policies Kingdon. The case studied was the Draft Law nº 517/2011, establishing the "Basic Assistance Program in Human Reproduction," the Legislature of the State of São Paulo. The data showed that, in Brazil, the public policy discussed herein is scarce reflecting, as the access to a class less favored. Thus, it is clear the need for the participation of the state through the actions made by the Unified Health System (SUS) or the Public-Private Partnerships (PPP). It is noteworthy, however, that the budget issues for achieving policy assisted reproduction represent impediments to its implementation due to limited government resources, given that even the budget forecast is still insufficient. Furthermore, attention should be paid to the speech of the benefit of privatization in those services constitutionally guaranteed to the population as a whole, since the absence of well-defined rules may favor the deviation of the real objectives of the policy not serving as the public for which it is intended.



Direito à saúde, Right to reproductive and sexual health law, Direito sexual - reprodutivo, Public policy, Política pública - reprodução humana, Government agenda, Agenda governamental - estado de São Paulo, Policy formulation
