O afeto de família: suas consequências na aprendizagem em uma escola pública em Salvador

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Universidade Católica do Salvador


This work The family affection: Its consequences on learning in a public school in Salvador sought to describe the effects of the perception of family affection by the students on their school income. The aim of this study is to investigate how the family affection can influence in school income of students in a class of 5th series of the year 2016 of that school. Far from the claim to find direct relationships between these elements, it sought through an exploratory research of qualitative character by applying a semi-structured interview and Inventory test Familiar – Support Perception IPSF, collect data that allowed such a description. Randomly was defined a class of 5th grade in a public school in Salvador, being selected 5 students with the highest income and 5 school students with low incomes 5. Students are in the range of 9 to 12 years. The mothers of these students were invited to participate in the study, and 3 could not subsequently participate by informing impossibilities. The research then had 10 children and 7 mothers. The families of that research have an equivalent socioeconomic level, living in the surrounding area of that school. The theoretical anchor of that work is by following concepts as the main line Piaget (1954) in his Relations Between L'affectivié et L'intelligence Dans Le Développement Mental Lenfant – Relations between affectivity and intelligence in the Mental Development of Children and related work concurrently treating cognitive development and affectivity that are the central themes of this research. Piaget suggests that affect and cognition are inseparable elements, affectivity works with fuel for cognition. By completing the survey, through the diversity of family realities and individuality of its actors, it was realized yet occurrence of reflections of perceptions of family affection by the students on their school income.



Afetividade, Desenvolvimento humano, Escola Pública - Salvador - Bahia, Familiar, Rendimento escolar, Affection, Development, Family, School, Yield, Afetividade familiar
