Diretivas antecipadas de última vontade à luz da dignidade da pessoa humana
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Universidade Catolica de Salvador
While in Brazil the attempts to discipline the directives of last will arise in the format of Resolutions, in the international scope the approach of this institute is inserted by the action of the organs directly responsible for the legislative activity. In this sense, this dissertation aims to study the legal aspects that revolve the edition of Resolutions 1.995 / 2012 and 1.805 / 2006, Federal Council of Medicine; of the philosophical and social aspects that echo of the contemporary society while they fall in the relational familiar dynamics underlying the performance of palliative care in the panorama of the terminality of life; as well as the diagonal intersection of bioethical matrices in the work of the professionals involved in the cycle of humanization of terminal patients, regarding euthanasia, orthatanasia and dysthanasia. In order to analyze the appropriateness of this testamentary modality, the academic reflection in question is embodied in the interdisciplinarity between related areas, with the analysis of its historical course, evaluation of the existence and validity requirements in parallel with the achievement of legal certainty, weighting between the expression of the right to life, freedom and the dignity of the human person. In conclusion, this qualitative research, based on a review of national and international literature and legislation, recognizes that family human development, by grouping the individual's physiological, psychological and behavioral aspects and interactions in the family context, is an inseparable element establishment of the dignity of the human person in the termination of life.
Dignidade da Pessoa Humana, Vida, Humanização, Dignity of human person, Life, Humanization