Uma análise crítica da (in)efetividade das medidas protetivas de prevenção às agressões contra a mulher

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Universidade Católica do Salvador


This article aims to demonstrate an analysis of women's rights, entering into domestic and family violence. Having a broad view of feminicide and the maria da penha law, and then making a critical analysis of the ineffectiveness of protective measures, in relation to the prevention of the crime of feminicide. Briefly discusses the history of violence against women and the rights of equality and protection that have been conquered until today. Still, it makes a brief analysis about the culture of submission of women to men. The main protective measures and the main public policies that seek to protect women victims of violence are analyzed, as well as to prevent and eradicate this type of violence. Some considerations are made about research data regarding violence, and the ineffectiveness of protective measures.



Feminicídio, Violência doméstica e familiar, Mulheres, Medidas protetivas, Feminicide, Domestic and family violence, Women, Protective measures
