Envolvimento paterno no contexto do divórcio: estudo de casos múltiplos

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Universidade Catolica de Salvador


The present research aims to identify possible changes in paternal involvement due to the dissolution of conjugality. To achieve this, a multiple case study was carried out. Four divorced parents were interviewed for at least two and a half years, who lived in Salvador, were middle class, had a higher education level and had at least one school-age child as a result of their ruptured marital union. For the collection of data, an interview script with open questions was constructed. The data obtained were analyzed in a descriptive way. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Catholic University of Salvador - UCSal, and the participants signed an Informed Consent Term (TCLE). The main results were: the type of relationship that the participants established with the ex-spouses facilitates or hinders the father's involvement with his child in the post-divorce; The most affectionate and participatory father ideal in the child's life guides the participants' attitudes and postures toward their children and the meaning given to life after their birth; In addition, there was great influence and participation of the grandparents in the form of father and son getting involved. Thus, it is perceived that the divorce situation involves several factors and that the combination of these can trigger a paternal involvement of quality or a separation between father and son.



Envolvimento paterno, Divórcio, Pai, Avós - divórcio, Participação
