A lei de alienação parental e as consequências dessa pratica para o desenvolvimento da criança e do adolescente
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Universidade Catolica de Salvador
This article aims to analyze / study how parental alienation, better known as SAP, may present in children and adolescents. This syndrome is caused by several reasons, however, among the various reasons, parents are mainly responsible for the innumerable causes of disturbance of the child. This is an extremely important topic for this research, because our main objective is to analyze and point out the most relevant elements about the occurrence of Parental Alienation, and how justice interferes in this scope. For this we will use the Law of parental alienation (Law 12.318/10) an institute present in the judiciary and in social life for decades, and it was only converted into law in August 2010. It is the parental alienation of a demoralizing campaign against one of the parents, which has the objective of removing the demoralized parent from the child or from the adolescent Next, we try to highlight the extent of the interference of qualified people both in the health area and in the legal area, including how the help of these professionals can prevent the problem from advancing, and how to help prevent the suffering of the child with the goal of becoming strong and healthy adults. The present article also aims to identify factors that determine this syndrome, its agents, as well as its causes and effects.
Alienação parental, Genitor, Desenvolvimento da criança, SAP, Família, Proteção Integral, Parental alienation, Child development, SAP, Family, Full protection