Mulheres-esposas: dinâmicas conjugais e individualidades a partir da experiência de mulheres casadas com militar
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Universidade Catolica de Salvador
This dissertation is based on a qualitative research on marital dynamics and individualities career requirements of military profession of married women with military working on a military Organization in Salvador-Ba. It was argued that in daily life of married women with military arrangements of marital dynamics and possibilities for the exercise of their individualities are linked to the occupation of their husbands and this condition may contribute to internal dynamics of plots of specific conjugalidade. Transfers between cities, the demands of work and the prerogatives that absorb much of the time from their husbands, as well as issues related to aspects of the institution, all this totaling unite with the kind of affection valued, comprise the set of elements of interference on which women, concerned, shall draw up their marital lives and individual projects. The survey methodology has led to the articulation between privacy-conjugalidade/family-and the job/profession, and sought to know the internal dynamics of contemporary arguments on conjugal family if a separate. In the course of research, several data collection techniques were used: observation, sensitive listening in the laboratory of Social Service, individual interviews with women. The analyses and results, in particular tissues from the narratives of women, confirmed that the changes engendered in contemporary, modern family, live with aspects of traditional family, this means that the couple and the family if format through an arrangement everyday, from day to day – and not from a ' paper ' previously built, as a script to follow –, since the conjugalidade and individuality are affected by work-related issues/survivalgenerating conflict, tensions and regulations. It was found that these issues are interrelated, so greatly we correlate, under an optics of qualitative analysis, some questions about conjugalidade, individuality, military profession, total institution, women and family.
Conjugalidade, Mulheres, Família, Profissão Militar, Instituição Total, Conjugalidade, Women, Family, Military Profession, Total Institution