A maximização dos crimes de crueldade aos animais domésticos: uma reflexão criminológica sobre sua antecedência e consequência

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Universidade Católica do Salvador


The present work delas with the criminal importance of protecting the animal’s right, which has been disrespected for centuries, considering the contempto of the human being to continue with the practice of mistreatment against animals. The objective of this work was to demonstrate the relevance of a criminological analysis of individuals who commit crimes of cruelty against domestic animals This theme is extremely important, because there are complex and serious aspects of the idea of crime against animals. Studies indicate that individuals with a history of cruelty to animals in their childhood are more likely to evolve into crimes that directly affect society. It can be concluded that the relevance of a more precise analysis is evident and a probable monitoring of individuals who commit barbarities against animals as a way to prevent a possible more critical act against the society in which we live.



Direito animal, Crime, Maus-tratos contra animais, Criminologia, Animal right, Mistreatment, Criminology
